Pokémon sent me to the ER

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The next few weeks were pure hell for me. There was nothing to do but count the spots on the ceiling... That is, when I was conscious. At least Kenny was there. That made it better. On my worst days, he was there, holding my hand, and saying "I love you." Until I was out. I was slowly getting better, but I still had to wear a cast on my leg. Angie was nice enough to use Heal pulse on my leg, but it didn't help. I could go outside on days when I wasn't too bad, and Angie would take me out on her back. But I would soon have to go back to my room for medicine.

Every day, when I was laying in my bed, I would look at the Pokéball that I rescued from team Zap, and think. "Who did this belong to? Are they ok? Are they dead? Should I keep this?" I saw many bodies just lying on the ground that fateful day. One of them may be that Pokémon's owner. "Amber? Are you there?" I heard Kenny's voice through the doors. "Come in" I said, in a feeble voice. "Hey," Kenny walked through the door. "I made you something." He said with a smile. "What is it?" I asked. "Close your eyes." He said. I closed them. He put his arms around my neck, and attached something. "Open them." He said. I looked down at my chest. "Oh- It's beautiful!" I tried to hug him, but was buckled by the pain. Around my neck, was a small Pokéball with a Rayquaza peeking out of it. Kenny leaned down and kissed my forehead.

Eventually, I was well enough to leave. I still had crutches, and I was still in pain sometimes, but I could leave, and continue my adventure. "So..." Said Kenny. "Where to next?" "Probably Dendemille town... They have a good gym there. Viola is her name, I think." I answered. "Cool! Let's go!" Yelled Kenny, as he ran off towards one of the gates. "Wait up!" I laughed, as I hobbled along, crutch walking as fast as I could.

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