My children and adults of reproductive age were gathered in the main square and giant Atronachs saw with chains and took about twenty of them.

We were screaming in fear, Mom and Linton were chained too.

Marius was on the human ship, in formation.

The wild wyverns were not concerned but it was screaming, screaming and crying.

Most were dragged like dogs without being able to offer resistance.

Inferno was actually cruel and mean. A God to fear and above all not to make mistakes with him.

The baptism was filmed in a hurry.

We forgot the Masquerade because of the general panic and terror.

For some, the skin was boiling and the feathers were roasting and they were half dead while diving.

As if Inferno was enjoying the show.

I was praying to Tartarus and he said to me: Inferno is desperate. But Vegeta is disrupted by a space storm and the planet is twisted. He thinks you're the cause and wants to have you pay and fix it. You won't be able to do it.

I'm trying to make him understand, but he doesn't want to hear anything. Don't tell him anything. He would slaughter you. If you're alive, it's because he thinks you're useful.

There's nothing we can do, except sing to the star, but the sun has informed me that your star is trying to protect Vegeta from a collision with a comet that happens every billion years and this time Vegeta is a goner. The storm tries to move the orbit one more day but Inferno resists. There may be a maximum of 20 years left.

Here's a contraception spell to help you avoid unfortunate child victims or doomed to failure."

" Thanks, my God Tartarus"

I regretted him, Tartarus !

But I was bound here and my paradise suddenly became such a nightmare.

Why??? Scream- I!

We arrived in front of Inferno and he was furious with me:

"Wistala, I am a Jealous God! Tartarus is no longer your God. Only me! It's me your God now!

You will worship me exclusively now and a sphere came out of my mouth and no sound or thought could come out of my mouth or my head. He had taken away my speech!!!!!!!

I was chained up and I wasn't going up.

The other dragons had to sing and were distributed all over the planet, chained by the Atronachs. It was crying and despair non-stop. No communications, just saying we were still alive.

The young wyverns and tamed savages were lost and crying. Pantouffle threw himself at the feet of Aguirre:" My wife Akulatraxas is a slave of the God of Vegeta save us!"

Aguirre was disturbed and worried and we no longer became a threat, our submission being total.

Apolline proposed to become the provisional leader, being a child and adult human dragon, and trained as a soldier. She was always faithful to the human soldiers of the Earth. Syfia intended to be his subordinate, being a younger child of the military school.

They took orders from Aguirre, who decided against my advice to move to the village. But it was a good decision to keep the cohesion in the end

The young dragons were happy to know about humans, video games, and all kinds of human entertainment and delicacies.

At the same time, the settlers who landed had a thousand times easier. The dragons serving as guards and paired with human soldiers they left in trinomials, or pairs. Soldiers climbing on the remaining dragons and dragons to monitor the behaviour of bereaved wild wyverns.

Slipper was burned several times and had to be amputated with a finger in an attempt to reach us.

I was desperate. I didn't know what Inferno had in mind, but it wasn't nice.

A celebration was still held to celebrate the reunion between the adopted children and their families of origin for those who still had some, but they really loved their dragon family and some had passed the ritual and were living their transformation under human supervision. No more dragonization was planned without adult dragons.

The village became a city and dragons and humans lived together. As resources were plentiful, there were no real conflicts. In fact, all the settler families wanted to have their own dragon. They were the guarantor of their safety and a full member of the family. When a colonist died, it was a tragedy for the dragon. But they disappeared one after the other, leaving only the tamed wyrmes. They also attached themselves to humans but were more submissive. The oldest remaining dragons were sent to earth for safety via the stable black hole.

Now another problem appeared: there were not enough dragons for all the settlers. They were snatched from each other but they were loyal to their human family. On vegeta, there were only 20 intelligent dragons left and 10 left to take refuge, including Marcus and his 4 concubines (5 with the captain) and 30 wild wyverns friends and widows.

The Nest (TOME 6 of the TIAMAT'S WARS SERIE)Where stories live. Discover now