A Green-Eyed Prince?

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Fewer words attract me and I'm a sucker for anything that's even mildly intriguing.
In a few minutes the sun will be up and I'll have to go about my mundane life. Is it so bad that I totally wanna do something different today? Possible even? Do you really think you'll be capable of actually communicating with a creature you've dreaded being acquainted with all your life? DID YOU JUST CHALLENGE ME? (Spoiler alert: I love talking to myself.) Challenge accepted.
This guy has been sitting still just a few feet from my spot and has only uttered two insanely attractive words since my arrival. Should I prep myself a bit before this talk thingy?
Let's see. What shall I say? You're sitting in my spot. No. NO. Lying is for mere humans. You can do better. Okay what about I say... Unicorns or Nargles? Damn that's PERFECT! Wait. Did I just hear someone sigh or have my ears resolved to learn from my brain too?
Oh. There's. Okay. So. He's sitting beside me now. At least now I know it's a 'He'. I guess.
Damn, how long had I been planning the conversation in my head? Shit! The challenge! It's okay. Some other time.
I prepared to get up when suddenly,
"A goodbye beside a hello covered in layers of beauty."
That line got me. This man. Human. Creature. He sure knows his words...
"Sunrise." I responded. It was one of the perfect riddles made to describe situations. Goodbye stars. Hello world. All happening on this blue-green blob within the womb of the epitome of beauty. The universe.
I looked at him.
It's not technically possible given my proper dietary habits, but my blood pumping organ seemed to have forgotten it's job for a moment. Bad heart. If my life didn't depend on it so badly, I would have grounded you. No oxygen for a day. Jeez that would have been cool...
It wasn't so dark now since the sun had begun its ascent or rather the Earth had continued its spin so I could see him clearly.
The silhouette hadn't quite done him any justice. He had sea-green eyes that could pull you in without effort, dark brown hair with short fringes falling on his forehead, perfectly formed lips that were so pink I felt the need to have had makeup on for the first time in sixteen years (Oh, I'd been promoted early to college.).
He looked at me intently for a few seconds and then turned his head back towards the sky where the fiery ball was on it's way to taking it's rightful place.
"The sunrise. I was taking of the sunrise."
"Wasn't that like, totally evident?"
He smiled. His dimples were way too prominent in the daylight. He looked beautiful.
But wait. I suddenly realised what was happening. Isn't this like one of those humanly things where your hormones get to work and shit?
I so had to leave before I fell for it.
I first fought between a goodbye and dead silence. The two gestures negotiated. So I looked at him in the eye, smiled a small smile, got up and headed to the cafeteria a few blocks away. Once I got my regular espresso I walked back to my dorm. Ana was still asleep. It was 6:15. Jeez how can humans do that thing. The eyes-closed-lying-still thingy.
The truth is, I have always tried to sugar-coat my insomnia by describing the phenomenon of sleep as boring and a waste of time, but deep within, even I have wanted to know what it would feel like. To be gone. To dream in the true sense of the word.

The last time I ever slept was when I was five years old. My parents had gone out for a business trip and had left me with a nanny. They died in a plane crash a few hours later.

I've answered thousands of questions in my lifetime. 99% of the questions I was asked had no better answers than mine. But one of them I've been asking myself since... Can a dream be 11 years long?
If it can't, I don't wanna know.
I hope it can, though. I hope it can.

After changing into a denim short-skirt, plain white t-shirt and knee-high brown leather boots I walked into my class 5 minutes late, as usual, through the back door, and settled myself in the last row. There was a commotion outside the room that I gladly ignored. These college kids are always upto something.
I got my copy of "Turtles All The Way Down" by John Green out of my bag and started reading it for the 24th time. The professor was going on about the classics and shit.
Don't get me wrong. I really like the classics. Really do. It's just that modern literature is more me.
I strongly feel like this generation has an imagination that goes beyond the ordinary. Of course, those surrounding me in this stupid place love to contradict, however, this morning's encounter did restore my faith in humanity... I sigh as I recall that raspy, heavy voice form words in it's thick British accent.
I was awoken suddenly from my daze.
"Yes ma'am?"
"Do you want something?"
I looked around.
There was no one besides me and Prof. Auburn in the class.
Dammit. What the hell's happening to me? Losing track of time and place??! This is SO unlike me!
"No Ma'am. I was just about to leave.."
I got out of the class in a hurry. I had my economics class in a few hours and I wanted to get to the library and finish working on my track.
If you're wondering, I'm a music producer. On the side.
As in, I'm a dreamer. That's my profession. Honestly. But since nobody pays me for it, I produce music and live by it. I also make enough to own a pretty apartment, car and a bit extra to travel around, but I don't like to brag so I stay in the dorms just fyi. I also don't like the idea of having to waste time. So I go home on weekends. Today's a Thursday though. So I'm working on my next track. I choose to work in the library because that's honestly one of the only places with the fewest people. I've recorded all parts that I wanted so I'm moving on to balance them now. The process is intensely engaging and I get lost in its world oblivious to all that's around.
Several minutes pass and I think I ignore a tap on the shoulder. It gets harder with the third and I look up.
Gracious Destiny. Let me deal with you once I'm dead.
It's him. The green-eyed prince.
Did I say prince? Hell NO! I meant beast. Not entirely. Maybe boy. Creature. That's right. The creature from dawn.
He whispers, "Chocolate?"
That's when I notice he's holding out a partially unwrapped bar of 'Everyday Essentials- Dark Chocolate' for me.
There are so many things going on in my head right now, but the biggest of those, WHAT THE HELL IS MY FAVORITE CHOCOLATE IN THE WORLD DOING IN THOSE PERFECTLY FORMED FINGERS OF THIS BEAST?!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2019 ⏰

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