Hero Fiennes Tiffin.

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I can't believe it's only been three weeks of living and a day of classes in this piece of hell they've created called Harvard.
I was told this was going to be different.
I was told once I was here, I was sure to find people like me.
That is, non-naive, non-pestering, as-non-humanly-as-possible.
They were wrong.
It's not as if I don't quite like humans, trust me when I say I absolutely love my self. And have managed to like, to a certain extent, some humans before this.
It's just that it takes time for me to get used to the words. The spoken, oh-so-spoken words from the ever puking mouths of...these... creatures. Okay that was rude. Humans.
I sometimes feel like I was born in the wrong species but more on that later.
It's 4:45am and I'm lying here in bed waiting for the clock to strike five and provide me the beeps to its disposal so I can stop pretending to be asleep for my crazy roommate. Forgive me if you think I'm not weird and feel the intense need to shake and tell me I'll be accepted as whoever I am and all that human crap you humans use to disguise your "crappy social norms" and make them look like "accepting crappy social norms", I just don't want my roommate to use adjectives to describe me if she ever meets the me from 2098 or so, similar to those I use for her kind, in my head, all the time.

The alarm beeps and I switch it off while getting out of the bed. Ana, I think that's what she's called, calls out, "Jeez, who are you, an owl or something?"
If I was in a mood to spit a few phrases here just to make no point whatsoever in this creature's head I'd tell her how irritating it was that she was admitted to a college with the intellect of a human comparing an early bird to one of the only non-early birds. But as was the custom and requirement according to page 1086 of "Advanced Techniques for Complete Avoidance of Social Interaction" by Steve Williams, I uttered a clear "Sorry" and walked into the attached bathroom to get ready for another hectic day filled with humans and the loneliness despite.

As usual I stepped outside the dorm after getting dressed for a walk to the garden where I would sit and breathe while pondering on the usual such as the meaning of the universe, the relationship between music and pi, time travel, and of course funky socks
(All that you need to know about my last usual pondering subject is that I genuinely, passionately love socks that have life. Anything apart from the dead white mess.) and walk right back once human figures started appearing around.
Today, however, as I walked towards the gardens I noticed human figures already wandering around. I might have disliked vain conversations but I wasn't one to sit back and watch while unusual activity disrupted my schedules without knowing the reason.
I casually walked to one of the girls squeaking (I don't know why their vocal cords even allow them that!) and enquired as to what was going on.
After some tiring explanations I was able to reach three bizarre inferences:
First, there was a new admission in the college who was some famous actor named Hero Fiennes Tiffin.
Second, his field of attraction suggested he was a newly discovered electromagnet that could apparently attract a particular section of the society, using his existence for electricity. Well that actually makes him an existomagnet, but anyway.
And third, he had strived before hand to make this hell worse for me.

Ignoring their frivolous excitement and commotion on possibly spotting this gazelle anywhere now, I walked to my usual spot in the garden and rested on the grass as I looked at my watch. 5:15am. Thus began my usual 17 minute long journey into the sea of insight...until... these words entered my universe.

The words were painted in sky blue and morph. They weren't waltzing I'm sure but there was this touch in the way they moved that for a moment it seemed like they were.
No one has ever interrupted the revolutions of my sphere before this.
Is an interference in my private space supposed to feel ecstatic?

I threw those positive humanly thoughts off my mind. I sure should have been afraid of those, in the company here.
There was a silhouette on the same grass a few feet from me. Strange it was to know a human could in fact appeal to me.
The words slowed their pace and I read them.
At dawn just before the sun rose, with the dark hue still lingering in the air as it painfully bid farewell, the strange silhouette near me had just whispered the magic words,
"I wonder."

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