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Its been a year now that Sanem has been a Divit since they got married.Everything is being going well.They have been on a road for 1 month now since Can got a job offer,little out of Turkey. Sanem said that he should go but he didn't accept if Sanem would not go with him.
So they packed their bags,said goodbye to their parents even Emre and Leyla wished them good luck witch its surprising beacause they have been on their honeymoon for a while now,no connection with outside world whats so ever.

So after many hugs,emotional talk and more wishes they set off to Koceali.

They arrived after 12h of long drive,singing,talking and sleeping. Everything was beautiful,it was warm,sunny,flowers were bluming,birds were singing and Sanem was amazed by the amazing nature that Turkey cities have.
Sanem said to Can "You can take lots of beautiful pictures here Can since photographing is your lifetime hobby." Can said: "Yeah i know ,do you like it?"
"Do i like it...are you joking,i love it so much."
"I told you that you dont wanna miss this beautiful city."

After taking tons of photos,they tought that it will be the best desicion to get a hotel room beacause of course they were really tired after the long trip.
They got the hotel room,unpacked their bags and first thing Sanem did was fall down to the bed almost falling to sleep.
Can tought that it will be best for him to go take a shower beacause he wanted to feel warm water after 12h of long driving.

When he was done he came out of the bathroom dressed in his jumper and pants and he laid besides Sanem to whisper to her "Do you wanna go have a shower askim?"
"It will be nice i think..." almost sleeping but she managed to roll out of bed to go get a nice warm shower.
Nice warm water felt amazing to her after the long trip.
After she finished,she came out of the shower,blowdryed her hair and put on her pj's and went besides Can.

She falled to the bed and told Can she would take a little nap and of course Can being the wonderful husband he was..he said: "Of course you can take a little nap,sleep as much you need to im gonna go make some tea and coffee if you want when you wake up ok?"
"Ok,love you aşkim" and she fell asleep.
"Love you too" and he gave her a little kiss to the forehead (i imagned it really cute btw)

Next morning when Can woke up he looked beside him and her wife wasn't there. Sanem was actually at the bathroom applying her makeup and putting on his favorite perfume.
Can sneaked behind her and surprised her.
Of course it wasn't Sanem without a little scream..
"Good morning,sleepyhead."
"Good my love" Can said with a sleepy voice.
"Do you have something planned for taday canim?"
"Actually yes i do..first of all we are going to get some food and coffee or tea for good wake up,then i tought we might walk for few hours,and then i called the manager that even told me to come here..so basically were gonna meet up with him for some photoshoots with you and then when its over we have to go shopping"

"Great idea aşkim but i have one question for you"
"Ask me anything you want"while hugging her behind toothbrush still at his mouth.
"Why do we need to go shopping?"
"Well since the little one is here soon we have to look for some clohtes don't you think?" While touching her belly.
"Yeah i think so...ah Can?" Now both of them are ready and are putting their shoes on.
"When are we gonna tell our parents and siblings?"
"Hm...i personally think when the time comes beacause right now i wanna enjoy it myself before all start screaming and hugging."
"Okay you little softie" Sanem threw a quick smirk at him before they left the room to get something to eat.

They arrived about 20min of walking to a nice looking outside eating area. It was beautiful there were children running around,nice view to the beach,walls were covered with pictures from this places history. Just amazing Sanem tought.

When all the eating was done they went for a little walk to the beach. It was quiet beacause all kids were at the playground.
While Sanem and Can were walking by the sea and Can being Can playing with Sanem's hair while holding his one arm behind her.

They walked for few meters and then Can got a call from the manager with saying that the photoshoot place is ready and they can come now.
"Askim we can start going to the location for the photoshoot."
"Ok lets go beacause i want to be done with that,then i can GO SHOPPING" with a very excited voice.
"Ah Aşkim what am i gonna do with you?"
"Just hug me"
They hugged for a solid 2min when finally Sanem decided that it was good to get moving.Sanem said:" Çok seviyorum Can!"
"Bende Çok seviyorum ąskim"
(Boom another one innnn thd baaaagg...i AM gonna continue this story beacause i have already tought out whats gonna happend next.anyways hope you liked it..Peace❤)

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