"surprise part 2"

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(So last time at the end of the chapter i said that i will continue the story and i will but be ready this will be the building up ep so what it means is that its will build up the story to the Surprise. This prob gonna come in three parts idk yet how will it work)

The location actually wasn't that far away from the beach. It took them 10min to get there. When they arrived Can greeted the manager who said that the clohtes are ready and photographer is ready.While they did the bussiness talk Sanem looked around the place.
Everything was beautifully set up lights everywhere, the beautiful clohtes were at the dressing room already set up.
Sanem finished the inspecting and went to find Can. Turns out he was asleep at the caravan.
Sanem looked at him and tought how lucky she was that Can is gonna be babys father.
"Oh boy.....you are gonna be spoiled." talking to the baby while touching the belly.

She put a blanket over Can and kissed him softly on top of the forehead.
When Can woke up he saw amazing view. His wife snuggling besides him,dugged in his chest.
Can shook her lightly to wake her up to say
"Wake up Sanem we have to go"
"Im already up....i think" barely getting the words out of her mouth.
"Come on aşkim,lets get some coffee."
While Can was finishing up,he came out of the bathroom fully dressed in tuxedo but when he turned to the sofa Sanem was still sleeping.
"SANEM AYDIN WAKE UP YOUR HUSBAND CALLS YOU" yelling with a laugh beacause Sanem's reaction was priceless.
"WHAT WHAT'S HAPPENING HELP ME" confused as hell.
Can was laughing while covering his mouth with his hand.
"Haha......very funny Aşkim" Sanem said while rolling her eyes.
"Come on get ready we have to go"
On the way there they grabbed cup of coffee and a sandwich. They got there,and everyone was ready,now finally they could start shooting pictures.
It was half and hour into the shooting when the manager yelled "Ok,were done close things up."
Sanem tought "Finally i can go shopping with Can"

2 hours had passed since they came shopping and holy shit Sanem wanted alot of things for the baby.
Clohtes (ALOT OF THEM) , sneakers,her own little grib,toys,hats,more toys....
Can had two hands full of bags and he tought surely Sanem would not buy more stuff heh.....he was very wrong. Finally Can said it "Aşkim i think its enough for now..."
"You sure?"
"Oh yeah" while looking at Can with a smile.
"Im so so sorry tatlim..i think were done shopping for the day"
"Yeah i think so too"

They arrived at their hotelroom,kicked the shoes off and started to unpack. Can tought to himself "How the fuck are we getting these things back home???"

When all the baby's things were unpacked they told eachother that it will be the best for them (and the baby) to go sleep. While brushing their teeth and getting ready gor bed Sanem said: "When are we going back?"
Can tought and finally said "i think monday since its saturday + we have to fit all of those (showing the baby stuff) to our suitcases."
"Ok sure"
"Lets get to sleep"
They went to bed,Can being the loyal and protective husband he was took Sanem into his chest with a bear hug and never letting her go once the blissfully slept till the morning.
(I know its a shorter one but since my spring break came i  have more time to write...the next part is gonna be again the long one bc parents are gonna found out..anyway hope you liked it) PS:next chapter is the final.

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