Chapter 2

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“When will you learn to accept the fact that I won’t be going anywhere?”

I put on my boxer briefs after I took my time showering and she was already seated, waiting for me by the couch adjacent to the one I just had an amazing intercourse on. She was forever drenched for no reason, the water seeping into the fabric of the couch as her eyes trained onto me as I sauntered back downstairs in nothing but my underwear.

You don’t need to be decent around her.

She hated me so much already so why not take it up another notch, clearly written over her face with her scrunched up nose and furrowed brows. I couldn’t be bothered to wonder how the hell she could even enter like she owned the house when she clearly insisted on me opening the door.

She was bad news before we even know each other five years ago.

“I thought you gave up on haunting me already. I guess I put my hopes up for nothing then.”

“Let’s make this crystal clear, shall we? I’ll lay it out on you since you’re being so dumb.”

“Hey, watch your language miss. You’re not even invited as a guest here.”

She snorted and the creases on her forehead doubled in amount with disgust upon me. My presence was definitely of equal distaste with hers, coming unannounced and strike me off as the rudest lady ever.

The scary thing about her voice was it wasn’t exactly hers. She sounded choked and strangulated at the same time, the very breath that came off of her were undeniably dead for years. She sounded inhuman and distant, like the muffled voice of someone who tried to speak underwater and tried relentlessly anyway.

“I won’t stop until you join me, Samuel. Simple as that.”

“You’re not even real. You’re just a figment of my imagination.”

“You keep telling yourself that. Sooner or later, you’ll realize that you’re going down fast and you had definitely lost your damn mind.”

She suddenly burped loudly – a few different sized bubbles floated out of her mouth with a faint smell of salty seawater when they popped one by one – almost like indigestion since both her hands landed on her flat, empty tummy. She didn’t just look like she was went straight in and out of the shower in her clothes, she looked much more menacing than that… Much like that spectral lady in The Ring or The Grudge movies it seems so unreal.

“I’m not crazy. I could just speak to you, there’s nothing wrong with that.”

She leant back and her fingers were crossed, rested still on top of her tummy while giving off a smug vibe in her degrading tone. “That’s what insane people would say to themselves in mental asylums.”

“Why couldn’t I speak to the others then? Like my Grandpa or my great aunt Lottie? Why only you?”

“You don’t know shit, man. You’re nothing like that kid from Sixth Sense, so don’t flatter yourself.” She snickered at me and it sounded like trumpets with something blocked and stuck inside, it didn’t even sound normal.

“You kept on popping in my dreams, well more like nightmares. That must be a sign right?”

“Yeah right, a sign for you to finish off what we started.”

I shook my head and the sudden throbbing ache around my temples made me grow more impatient with her sudden return. I thought I had banished her for good, my fucked up mind was beyond repair then… no drugs or meds could fix it.

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