Spring Fling

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Harry felt a hard tug on his lower arm, and tried to keep his balance as he was pulled into a dusty alcove behind a tapestry. He was being kissed hard, and pressed against a wall by someone with very familiar hands.

"Draco," Harry gasped with a laugh, pulling away, "I need to get to Herbology."

The blond just groaned and tried to kiss Harry again. "Just five minutes," he whispered as his hand went to Harry's belt.

It was hard to resist, but Harry regretfully pulled his hands away. "I really can't now. How about tonight, around eleven?"

It had been like this all month, stolen moments whenever they could get them. Long sessions in the Prefect bathroom at least once a week, making out in dark corners during the day.

"I can't tonight," Draco pouted, but then his expression brightened. "But it's a Hogsmeade trip this weekend, right?"

Harry stilled, his heart beating faster. Was Draco going to ask him to go together? A proper date? In public? Hold his hand? "Um, yeah..."

Draco leaned in so their foreheads were touching. "We could meet behind the Three Broomsticks, and apparate far away for a few hours. Just the two of us."

It was something he had mentioned in the bath, the fantasy of apparating away to a muggle hotel. Having a proper bed and privacy for a few hours.

Harry pulled back, the difference of what he'd been hoping for to what Draco wanted glaringly obvious. Sure, he had liked the idea of being in a hotel room with Draco, but something about it just seemed amiss. "Um, I gotta go," he said, pushing the tapestry away to escape.

He practically ran all the way to the greenhouse, and was mostly quiet the whole lesson. Ron and Hermione shot him concerned looks, but he just gave them a smile to show he was OK. It must have been wobbly, as it didn't settle them down at all.

Afterwards, they headed back for lunch in the great hall. As was usual these days, Hermione and Ron held hands as they settled beside each other at the long table. Nearby were other 7th and 8th year couples, Ginny with Ernie, Luna with Neville. Harry sighed, not moving to join them.

Turning away, Harry almost bumped into Romilda Vane. As always, she eyed him with predatory glee, and for once he didn't mind it so much. "Hi Romilda," Harry said softly.

Her eyes widened in surprise. "Hi yourself," she replied with a flirtatious smirk. "Want to join me for lunch?"

She waved towards the Ravenclaw table, even though she was a Gryffindor, and Harry saw she was indicating some empty spots near the two Ravenclaw Seekers, Su and Gabrielle.

Harry swallowed hard. If he sat there, it would like pouring gasoline on the Seeker romance rumors that had died down after Christmas break.

Fuck it. Harry nodded, feeling a surge of pleasure at her delight in his response and the way she proudly led him over to the table. Gabrielle and Su were just as amazed, and within minutes the four of them were in a deep conversation about their favorite professional Seekers.

It was wonderful, having the three girls talking with him so animatedly, often passing him food they thought he might like, hanging on his every word. Romilda seemed to be moving closer on his left side, often 'accidentally' nudging her shoulder against his.

Gabrielle on his right side was just as bad a flirt, even though she was so much younger. She had learned a lot from Fleur, and Harry could see it in the way she flicked her long blond hair over her shoulder and let her eyes sparkle at his jokes.

Su sitting across from him wasn't flirting, as Harry thought she was more into girls than boys. But he still enjoyed her insight into the moves the French Seeker had used in yesterday's match.

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