19•Deep Rooted Issues

Start from the beginning

"Sure." Dr. Mills nodded. Mike shifted in his seat. Raina glanced at him. "I was eight when it started. Which was after my second week I was placed there. It started out with them kissing me on my mouth. I didn't think it was weird because I assumed that was something they did."

She stared down at the table again. "Then after maybe two weeks later they would suggest what I'd wear and have me try on different clothes in front of them."

"After that they kept coming to me with something different." She added. Dr. Mills nodded.

"One night Mrs. Nelson came into my room naked. She asked if she could sleep in the bed with me. I asked where were her clothes. She said she didn't like to sleep in them. I was hesitant, but I didn't want her to be upset. I didn't want either of them to be mad at me, because at that point it all seemed weird. But I was afraid of what would happen if I didn't. So she got in the bed with me and that's when it started to escalate." She explained. The room was dead silent. At that moment I could feel my heart bleeding out before me. No child should have to endure what she did.

Raina kept going. "She taught me how to please her, touching her private area. I knew it was wrong. I wanted to say something. —I just let it go on." Embarrassment painted her face as clear as Mona Lisa's smile.

"It was just the two of us for a little while and then sometimes Mr. Nelson would watch. He started easing his way in with us. He would ask me to touch him. Sometimes they'd have sex in front of me." She spoke in a surprisingly calm tone towards the end.

"Perhaps that was their way of teaching me." She shook her head pondering the thought.

"What else would they make you do?" Dr Mills could barely get the words out. At that point I was enraged and heartbroken at the same time. I then undersood why Mike was the way he was with her.

"They made me do things to them." She paused rubbing her hands against her pants. "Like put my mouth on his-" She pointed down to the private area. My head dropped as I roughly breathed out.

"He put his penis in my mouth. You know the oral stuff like that." She rephrased, she was now visibly shaking.

"That was basically the start of a road filled with painful memories. It was an everyday thing. I felt like I couldn't say anything, because I was scared. I didn't want to cause any problems. Then the night I was raped when I was ten—" The words were coming out faster than she could process them. Dr. Mills noticed, "Ok Raina I'm going to stop you right there. —This was really great. That's enough for today. A really great session." Dr. Mills praised. "How are you feeling right now? Take a deep breath, in and then out." She took a deep breath and released it slowly.

"Feel like I want to disappear, embarrassed, exposed, like a victim. I feel like I came here for a new start, leaving South Carolina behind. I've learned it doesn't work like that." She replied.

"Raina I want to leave you with a little homework to report back to me next visit, ok?" She nodded. "Ok."

"Take these index cards. I wrote a word on each card. I want you to describe on the back how well it relates to you. It can be related to anything. Also don't leave here with all those thoughts jumbled up in your mind. Just leave what was said here and we'll pick back up in a few days." Dr. Mills added.

Rai nodded again. "Be proud of what you've accomplish today. You've never spoken about your past this openly around others. This is progress." Dr. Mills summed up.

"Thank you." Rai smiled a little. I tried making eye contact with her but she wouldn't look at me. Mike ran out to the nearest restroom holding his mouth.

We said our goodbyes to Dr. Mills. I grabbed Raina's hand and walked out into the lobby. I wasn't about to let her push me away. "Come here." I pulled Raina in my arms and held her tight as we stood in the front office.

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