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I wake up and rub my eyes. I walk downstairs and tell Mrs.Zhan I'm going to eat breakfast earlier than usual. She gives me waffles and coffee. I gulp down the coffee and waffles. I run up stairs to take a shower and get dressed. (Photo above) I go to Jinso's room to make sure she's dressed.  She has on an long shirt that says "you can never have to many friends" with white converse. She's on her laptop playing league of legends. "Did you eat breakfast?" I ask. She mumbles something. "I'm sorry, what?" I ask "I said, YES." She says. "Good, We're leaving in 15." I tell her. "Alright." I walk out her room and see The boys, Jing and Shancai in the living room. Daoming Si and Lei look at me. "Go change" they both say at the same time. "No." I tell them. "I'll make you change" Si says. "You can't make me!" I sit on the kitchen's island. Jinso comes downstairs to see Si carrying me, "PUT MY SISTER DOWN!" She yells kicking Si in the private. I couldn't help but laugh at him. I started to fake cry, "sissy! He hit me!!" I lied. She gasped. She kicked Si in the private again. I couldn't help but laugh. "Jinso, we have to go you're gonna be late" I wipe the tears out my eyes. She gets in my car and I drive her to school. "Love You!" I tell her. "Love you too!" She says as she gets out the car.

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