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My mom is making me major in finance because she wants me to take over her business. I have no problem with it but I kind of wish I could major in art. I've always loved Art and Music, even writing! I told my mom but she told me she didn't care what I wanted. My mom doesn't care about me or my sister. I do what she says so our money doesn't get cut. While in finance I put my headphones on and start sketching. "Mrs. Shan Le!" My teacher calls. I take my headphones off and stare at him. "Yes..?" I say. "Answer my question please." He says. "What Question?" I question. A couple of girls start laughing. I turn around and give them death glares then they immediately shut up. "is your mom, Mrs. Zhushan Shan Le?" He ask "Yes. Let me answer some of your questions. No, you cannot meet my mom or my sister,no I won't let you "borrow" money, and finally, No I don't want to be your friend. Anything else?" I ask. Everyone stays silent. "No? Good." I put my headphones back on but I can feel the boys staring at me. I could careless. I ignored everyone for rest of class.

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