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Two month passed since I have been at Hogwarts, and I couldn't be happier.

I made friends with many people, but my closest friends were Harry, Ron and Hermione.
Still, I really enjoyed the company of Daphne and Olivia, but they already had their plans, friends and interests which weren't matching mine.

Everyday that passed, I felt more and more guilty.
They didn't knew the reason o was here, they didn't knew that my last nine wasn't in fact Turner, and they couldn't know who my grandfather was. I was supposed to be a secret, and my grandfather couldn't risk to let the death eaters find out about me.

But it felt wrong to lie to my friends. Sure, I had no idea why was I supposed to be a secret, since my grandfather was maybe the most respected man alive, but he only told me that my mother wasn't supposed to have me, and if the wrong people found out about me it could lead to major rage because of my father.

My father, which I didn't even know the name. Or if he was alive. But my grandfather told me that the less I know, the less I was in danger.

It was still worrying, cos even though they arrested Hagrid, another student was petrified which meant that they had the wrong person.

It didn't quite helped that Harry was constantly bullied or feared by the students who thought that he was the heir.
As if a cinnamon roll like him could even hurt a fly.

I did very good in classes, since my genes were from the smartest people I knew.
My father, as I've been told, was maybe the smartest student that Hogwarts ever had.

I walked with the trio to the dungeons for potions, and I glared at Draco and his goons which were smirking at us.

"Oh look, the mudblood, the Scarface heir and the blood traitor."

He ignored me as if I was invisible.
I glanced at him.
"Oh look, the albino boy with daddy issues and his goons. Such a pity really, Malfoy, your father is so rich, I've thought that he would buy all of you a brain by now." I shouted.

Everyone laughed, including the slytherins which I was completely found on. If only the morons like Malfoy would go fuck themselves, our house would be so much more loved.

Just as Draco was ready to throw a comeback, professor Snape walked towards us and opened the locket door.

We walked in, one by one, and I sat next to Hermione, which was my best friend.

We stared preparing for our potions, when I heard some giggles behind me.
Draco, which was sitting with Blaise, were talking and laughing, they stares on me and the trio.

I glared at them, then I tried to ignore the idiots.

"Psst, Peony!" Harry whispered.

I turned my head to him.
He showed me his green potion which should've been orange.

"You've added to much seaweed.
You need to tempt it with turmeric, two full spoons. Then it should—"

"Miss Turner. What exactly are you doing?"
Snape walked towards us.

"I was only helping Harry, professor." I said confidently.
I knew Snape since I was little, I wasn't buying his stupid ways to command respect.

"Helping Potter? No need to, you can't help him, unless you'll grow him a brain."

I glared at him, as did the trio.
Draco and his dolls started to laugh as Snape grinned.

"But maybe is time to switch some seats, since Weasley is no different from his famous friend."

He glanced at all the students.
"Yes. I see."

He walked in front of the class.

"Longbottom, switch seats with Weasley. Potter, switch seats with Mr Malfoy."

"But professor!" Malfoy protested but he was reduced to silence with a glare from Snape.

He muttered under his breath as he switched seats with Harry, and I smiled apologetic at my friend.

But Blaise wasn't that bad after all.

I was more worried for the fact that I will have Malfoy behind me for the rest of the year.


Later that night, I was walking the corridor alone, since I had to go have a talk with the headmaster which sent me a later earlier that day.

I was alone with my thoughts, when I heard a voice behind me.

I turned instantly, fear rushing up my swine.
But no one was here.

Blood. I swell blood. I need blood.

"Who's there?" I asked, grabbing out my wand.

Sssss....the heir....ssssss.....master.......


But nothing came.
Just the sound of someone scratching the walls.

I growled.

I turned on my heels, walking faster to the office.

"Lemon drops." I said, the Griffin moving, revealing a Mahon door.

I walked inside, not waiting for an answer.

The headmaster was seating in his throne like chair, reading a parchment.

He coughed when I walked to his desk.

"Miss Turner." He said.

I frowned.

He rose an eyebrow.
"What's wrong, my dear?" He asked, his concerned voice calming me a little.

"I don't know. It's just...this. I've been thinking about it lately, you know..."

I sat down on the chair on front of him.

I nodded. "Everything. It's hard. Lying. Hiding things. Not knowing things. It's frustrating."

He sighed.

"Penny, you know—"

"Stop calling me Penny!" I snapped.

His eyes widened for a second, the his expression softened.
"She used to call you Penny. Forgive me my dear, I meant not to hurt you."

I looked down.
"Forgive me, I didn't meant to yell or to upset you. Its just...She's everywhere...my mother. She's gone, but it's like she's always around. And it's making it more painful than it already is."

He nodded.

"I understand, my little flower. But your mother, my sweet Nadia, needs to be reminded. She'll never really be gone, you know. She lives within us. Always will."

I smiled, feeling tears forming in my eyes.

"I asked for your presence here to make sure you were alright. With the school moving and the new accommodations, and the..."

He didn't said it but I knew what he meant.

"I'm alright. It's late by the way. I should return to my dorm."

He nodded.
"Yes you shall. Well, always know that you can come here, for advices or simply for a cup of tea and a familiar company. Goodnight, little flower."

I smiled.
"Thank you. Goodnight, grandfather."

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