1 | Hopeless Romantic (aka. Jimin)

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Go ahead. Blame Jimin for being a hopeless romantic, but for all he was concerned, he was on a mission to find his perfect white horse prince that would care about more than his dick. 

Yes, Jimin was indeed, enervated, and extremely narcoleptic about lusty love. He had almost given up on the idea of having sex with the man he would fall in love with (if there would be such), just because he got dog-tired about listening to dick stories all the time. 

Of course he knew a thing or two about chemistry, three about biology and four about anatomy. He knew that he'd sport some semi or even a full-on if he were to ever find that perfect white-horsed prince, eventually it would happen. Yet it didn't mean that he wouldn't rebel against the laws of the nature. Jimin had enough bullshit doing with sexual-love that he had settled on the fact that HIS love story would be totally different than all that. 

He had always been different than the others: the more aloof one when it came to 'private' conversations that lost their privacy and specialness when spilled around carelessly, the more shy one when his best friends boiled the pot about porn and compared the best websites to offer said services. It was not that Jimin wasn't interested in all the sexual stuff, he just didn't want to waste time in empty conversations about stimulation and deep-throating, how especially exciting it felt when those acts were performed in spontaneous truth-and-dare games with strangers. 

No, that shouldn't have been what love was about.

Human bodies and feelings shouldn't have been that cheap and inglorious. 

Those were precious presents given to each one of us when we were born, and they needed to be cherished appropriately. It made sense to have had those experiences with a previous ex who you fell in love with, but further one night stands  and random casualties had started disgusting Jimin. Their occurrence in acquaintance conversations and the pretend "I don't even care" attitudes his friends put on after leaving a complete stranger behind after doing the do as if it weren't a big deal, now disgusted Jimin.

Jimin wasn't a prude. He wasn't embarrassed of his body, on the contrary, he liked to show himself off because he knew well, that he was well-endowed. Being 'hot' was exactly his reason of being a virgin -as odd as that sounded- because Jimin believed that if he arrived to the world this beautiful it was because he needed to take care of himself, let his beauty into the hands of someone who would cherish it properly... appreciate it with all delicacy and just love him for who he was. 

He was definitely a hopeless romantic, Jimin, and he had accepted that as part of his identity at this point. Since his friends brought it up way too many times, Jimin had just decided to go along with it. "Yeah, I am one, so what?" was one of the main sentences he had adopted to show them that he loved himself like the hopeless romantic he fucking-was.

Unfortunately, there weren't a lot of people with alike minds around Jimin. He hadn't fallen in love before, neither he had found someone qualified enough for his level of understanding about love. Last time he checked, all people cared about was fucking around. Even the ones that loved each other didn't really understand why they loved each other. They couldn't pinpoint the things that raced their hearts about the other. If someone asked them, "How was your first time like?" they would probably reply with an "S/He was so hot so it was worth it," "Omg s/he was so skillful in bed, I wanted to fuck her/him forever and so we are together now."


So fucking superficial.

Obviously Jimin had an extremely strong attitude towards sexual acts now. 

He had almost given up on the idea of finding that prince, indeed, he believed that the whole of humanity had turned into materialistic pleasure-oriented beasts that he was indeed, the only one left in the whole damn world that still believed in the power of romantic love. 

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