She shook her head and realized that this is her own fault and that she doesn’t care if Aniya is pregnant. She loves Shayne enough to let him be happy whether it’s with his first babymama or his second. Now, she wants Aniya to be pregnant so that Shayne can leave her alone and so that she can live her life peacefully.

            Once she was out the shower she grabbed her phone and walked out the bathroom. She got dressed in True Religion jeans and a hoodie to match followed by her Timberlands. She left her hair in its wild curly state after brushing her teeth and putting on a small coating of eyeliner and mascara.

            She grabbed her phone and answered it as it buzzed on the charger. The caller ID had no name but she still answered it.

            “Hello” She sang into the phone leaving out her condominium.

            “Hey, Tavi… This is Rasia” She heard Rasia’s shaky voice on the other end of the phone.

            Tavi rolled her eyes while pushing the elevator button repeatedly. “What’s up?”

            “I was callin’ to see if you and I could meet somewhere, I really wanna apologize for my behavior and I need to tell you something important” She sighed into the phone.

            It took Tavi a second and then she looked at her phone seeing the time and she realized that she didn’t have to pick Addison up for another hour. “Okay, where do you wanna meet at?”

            “We can meet at the diner we always used to go to” Rasia informed.

            “Okay, I’ll be there in twenty minutes” She said hanging up the phone without hearing Rasia’s response.

            She doesn’t understand why she’s giving someone like her the time of day but Dr.Ellis always told her that forgiveness really helps no matter what. She was gonna accept her apologize regardless because they’ve been best friends for so long. She just would never forget the night she disrespected her in front of Addison.

            When Tavi arrived in the diner she immediately saw Rasia sitting in a booth on her cell phone. She walked up to her taking a seat across from her and grabbed a menu. Rasia looked up at Tavi and smiled but Tavi left the sweetness at the door.

            “Hey, I’m glad you agreed to meeting me” Rasia smiled.

            “Mhm” Tavi hummed. “I just wanna know what’s so important that you have to tell me”

            “Well we can save that for after I give you the apology I owe you” She started. “I know I have said some hateful shit behind your back that should’ve never left my mouth and I’m sorry… I’m also sorry for the way I acted that night at Shayne’s house, especially in front of Addison. It was really immature of me and now from my own actions I can’t even see Addison. But besides that I don’t have my best friend anymore. I know we’ll probably never become friends again, but it would really make me feel better if you forgave me”

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