Author's Note

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Dearest reader,

Hey there! Thanks for reading; I really appreciate it!

LastOfMyKind here. As a young storyteller of a mere [This content has been removed]teen years, it astounds me that you're even here, reading these words. I just wanted to thank you again... and again, and again, and again. It's amazing that you would take the time to even click on this. For the umpteenth time, thank you!

Blancslieth is, as the title partially implies, the prologue to my life's work, The Demise of Mourndream. I am currently working on the second part of the first skeletal book and revising the first part, though the going has been plagued with lethargy as I am forced to juggle this as well as schoolwork and life. After all, your [This content has been removed]th grade year of high school is often overwhelming, though certainly less so than what lays in store. This prologue was written only a couple infinite months ago, but I do believe that it is one of the more impressive feats of my valiant and endless endeavor. It also traipses a mini-plot of its own, and thus I thought it would be an adequate way to get myself "out there."

No parts of The Demise of Mourndream are to be uploaded to this website until they have been edited and revised by myself and a select other few, and they may not be uploaded even then. Everything is determined by the adumbral, uncertain tides of Chance on my minute island. I foresee the end of my journey in the far future, after many failures and a singular success, though I could not give a date to my own resolution.

Now that such topics have found closure, please feel obliged to take an approximate half an hour out of your day, curl up beneath a blanket, and read through what I've written here. Once more, I thank you kindly for being here!

Forever yours,

Disclaimer: I did not make, arrange, or upload any of the music on here to the internet. All credit for such things goes to the rightful owners.

Everything else, though, is mine! That said...

Copyright © 2019 XxLastOfMyKindxX

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed "XxLastOfMyKindxX," on her Wattpad account or at the email address below.

Blancslieth: Prologue to The Demise of MourndreamWhere stories live. Discover now