Chapter 1

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Brooklyn pov 

I hope I don't get a homophobic roommate I thought to myself as I walked  through the hall of my dormitory." wow ewww" I said as I saw 2 females making love on a bed. The girl that was on top put her clothes on and ran out the room. "Who the fuck are you" the girl on the bottom said. and man was she fine, all different stories flew into my head as I was looking at her. 

"yo kid who is you", she repeated now rolling a blunt. "daddy!" I said. woah what she said slightly laughing. fuck I said in my head this time. "my name is Brooklyn Brooklyn woods", I said "wass g'od brook." she said fixing her hair." you a freshman kid?" she added. "yeah how'd you know" I said sitting on the bed that wasn't made but the one the 2 of them wasn't on. "don't sit there my cum is over there". she said as soon as I sat down," well cause  im a sophomore and I never seen you before" she added. 

it seems all you look at is pussy so I aint  expect  you know, I said leaving both of us to laugh. true  you going to the welcome party tonight, she asked putting her shirt on(she was in a bra and sweats at first ). "well I got to study so probably not." I said setting my bag down on the floor. what the fuck you finna study its the 1st day". she said ." I guess you right "I said grabbing my phone out my pocket. "I gotta basketball practice see you around brook."she responded getting her car keys. "wait what's yo name" I said stopping her from leaving." whatever you want it to be" she said smirking at me while leaving the room 

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