Chapter 8

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Brooklyn P.O.V

I helped her out of the car and up to her bed. I helped her lay down and tucked a blanket over her. I put in my headphones to listen to j.cole while I went to sleep. 

When I woke up it was 9:00. I was a hour late to my first class. When I finally got myself out the bed I realized Bianca was gone but left me some Starbucks(got your girl a pinkity drinkity) I hoped in the shower and just threw in some clothes I found and ran to class. 

"Damn shorty" the dude from last night said when I bumped into him. "Sorry"  I replied looking down realizing what I had on. I counted to run to class. I accidentally busted the door opened distracting everyone in there. I looked at the board and realized I was in a sex ed class. Then I heard a familiar laugh, it was bianca's . I looked directly at her and let out a small laugh.  I ran out the room and went to find my correct room. "Class dismissed" the dark skin elder person  in the front said as I opened the door. 

 "Damn" I thought in my head when somebody came up to me. "Bianca must have put in work" he said. I turned to look to see if was my bestie. "Shut up and she was drunk so she couldn't" I replied slightly smiling at his smile. " then why are you wearing her shirt? " JR asked looking up and down. "What are you talking about this is my shirt" I said looking at my clothes again. " bitch the hoodie says Matthews on the back "he replied lifting the hood part of the hoodie. "What happened with you and zebra after we left" I asked him . " I don't even remember I just knew I woke up in his bed " he answered. 

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