My Precious Tetsuya

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(Akashi's POV)

Ever since I was born, I never lost. Not to my family, not to my friends, not to anyone. No one ever defied me, for I, Akashi Seijuro am absolute.

My life is what you may call easy. I have nothing to worry about. Financially? My money alone is more than enough to last for a lifetime. Other issues? I don't have any issue that I can't solve. I basically can do anything with just a minimum effort.

I've never really been attracted to anyone. Be it a pretty girl, a handsome boy, or even a perfect human being. I feel nothing towards them.

My obsession towards a certain someone suddenly started in my years of middle school, Teiko Middle School.
This someone may not know that I love him and that he's mine, but I'll make sure sure he'll know someday...


My school is a super strong school in terms of basketball. The basketball club which consist of more than 100 members has achieved various awards and achievements and has become champions so many times. But even then, there are a group called the "Generation of Miracles" which has 5 members which is me, Akashi Seijuro, Kise Ryouta, Aomine Daiki, Midorima Shintaro and Murasakibara Atsushi.

But what most people don't know is that they have one more member which is the "Phantom Sixth Member" and that is Kuroko Tetsuya. Or as I would call it, My Precious Tetsuya.

He was a small, weak, fragile little boy with baby blue eyes and blue hair. Oh how I would love to ruffle his hair and pat his head. He was mine, mine and only mine, and no one can say otherwise, not even him. After all, I the great Akashi Seijuro is absolute.

He has a low presence and always surprised everyone when he suddenly greeted them. Not gonna lie, even I didn't notice him when we first met. He's pretty much like a ghost after all.
There was nothing special about him to be blunt. He doesn't even have the basics to basketball, can't even dunk a ball, and has low stamina. Of course his passes are superb, that's why he's included in the Generation Of Miracles. But other than that, there really was nothing special about him.

Yet I... am attracted to him. To the point of obsession. He was mine, I'll let him know someday. Maybe not now, but I'll let him know... I simply can't stand it when I see other people talk or get close to MY Tetsuya. To me they were all pests that needs to be taken care of. But I kept my cool. It was not the time yet. I'll do it someday.


After we got into high school, I really wanted Tetsuya to go to the same school as me. But instead, he went to a school named Seirin. A newly opened school. My Tetsuya deserves only the best, not a no name school like Seirin. But it's okay, everything is fine. I'll proceed with my plan. Soon enough, you'll be mine Tetsuya. And you'll love it. I'll protect you from all source of evil. I'll love you until you can't spend a second without being by my side. I'll cherish you until you can only think of me.
My Precious Tetsuya.

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