25| Wrong Place, Wrong Time

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Connor's Perspective

Connor was back at the same door, at the same estate, in the same city. Then why did it all feel so different? Was it because of his new-found deviancy? A sick feeling settled in his system. He just hoped Hank was alright. Sighing, he knocked on the door.


No response.

"Lieutenant Anderson?" The name sounded so foreign to him.

Still nothing.


Without hesitation he entered the house..

to see it the exact way it was when he was last there.

Hank was most likely down at the bar then.

Or at least, Connor prayed he was.

Looking around the house, Connor scanned his surroundings, remembering all the events in the house that led up to the situation right now. His jacket was right where he'd left it, folded neatly.

What were things going to be like now that he could feel? Now that he could experience hate, sadness, anger, fear, guilt....


Could he learn to love?
Was that possible for an android?

If Markus could fall in love with North, could Connor fall in love with someone? Someone in particular? Was it possible for a human to love an android & vice versa? What struggles would there be? How many problems would there be for the both of them? People would see their faces on public television – some would look at them in disgust, others in horror & fear, coming up with giant accusations as to how he managed to 'brainwash' this human woman to be in love with him. Connor could already think of one, if he were to be in an extended relationship with (Y/N), he wouldn't be able to give her children, only God knows how long it'd be until it was deemed legal for them to marry. Even worse, he'd have to watch her grow old, until eventually she...

She withered away, like a flower, a flower that used to be so young & vibrant & full of colour. To watch her go through that would kill him.

Shaking off his insecurities, he set out his plan on what he'd do once he got to the Tower.

Was he idiotic for risking his life? Absolutely.

Did he have a backup plan? None whatsoever.

Could he die? Definitely.

(Hotel? Trivago.)

But he wasn't going to let that happen, he'd promised her.

He was just hoping she was true with her side of the bargain.

He trusted her wholeheartedly, but now that Cyberlife knew who (Y/N) was, they practically had her wrapped around their finger already.

He just hoped they didn't know where she was.


Reader's Perspective

'At 6AM this morning, a national curfew was declared. Civilian movement will be strictly controlled, the right to assembly is suspended, all electronic communications are restricted & I have granted enhanced powers of our security agencies.

In addition to these measures, all androids must be handed over to the authorities immediately. Temporary camps are being set up in all our major cities to contain & destroy them. I am now asking all civilians to co-operate with the authorities, & rest assured that everything in our power is being done to guarantee the security of our nation.'

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