16| Fear

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(Honestly this pic is a mood)

Connor's perspective


Or at least, something extremely close to fear.

And anger.

"Not another step!"

Something really,

really close to anger.

I have to save her.

"Or I won't hesitate to kill this human!"

Software instability ^

"Shit!" Hank was angry, but Connor could see the pure terror in his eyes as he watched the closest thing he had to a daughter have a gun pressed to her head.

The deviant was the same model as the android he took down a while back, it dangled a child over the edge of a building, tears streaming down the girl's face. Connor looked at (Y/N)'s fear-filled eyes & he saw the same look the little girl gave him when she was being held hostage. She looked like she was about to faint. Her face was extremely pale & her (E/C) eyes were begging for help. The deviant had her pressed against a wall with a tight hold on her neck, but not tight enough to cut off the oxygen.

Look at her.

She's terrified.

"(Y/N) are you okay?" He called out her name, she didn't respond.


Still no response.

She's not like this.

Their eyes locked & he saw right into her soul. The pain she went through when she was told her parents were killed. The fear of catching a plane, worried she may join them sooner than she thought she would. The sadness that washed over her when she remembered the many moments she spent with them when something reminded her of their old house.

She's human, of course she'd be afraid in a time like this.

He leaned forward, but the deviant cocked the gun pointed at (Y/N) & she winced.

"DON'T MOVE!" it screamed at him. "BACK AWAY OR I'LL SHOOT!"

"Do what he says." (Y/N) finally spoke. "Just, do what he says."

"You promise if we back away, you won't hurt her?" Connor asked the deviant.

"Why do you care about this human? We're nothing to them!"

"...This human holds great importance to others at this moment. Now, do you promise?"

"I-," it looked down at the woman for a moment. "I promise."

A squad of officers were already on the roof with them, all armed with guns at the ready.

Hank pulled Connor behind one of the units.

"Stay here, I'll talk to the deviant until it lets (Y/N) go."
"And if you fail?"

He stayed silent, his eyes dropping to the ground below them.

Connor looked back at (Y/N), her eyes frantically jolting from one person to another as she tried to establish who was there & what was happening.
"I'm sorry Hank," He faced him for a moment "but I can't take that risk."

Hank reached out to stop the android, but he was already charging towards the deviant.

"Connor goddammit!"

It threw (Y/N) aside & she landed on the ground in a crumpled heap, her head hitting the wall & then the pavement.

Connor managed to probe a part of its memory before it fired a bullet through its head, committing suicide.

More Than A Machine || Connor x Reader D:BHWhere stories live. Discover now