"You're probably not, just tell me what happened."

"Please don't get mad at me. My parents are going to kill me, so you don't have to."

"Okay, okay, but if it's serious..."

"I'm pregnant." Jaemin immediately backed away a bit to face Renjun after speaking, afraid of  how he'll react.

"You're what?" Renjun calmly asked.

"I went to Fireflies about a month ago and decided to take a cheaper brand of birth control, and I guess that was the day some alpha decided not to wear a condom, which is just my dumb luck. I'm pregnant, Renjun. I'm stupid and I'm pregnant. Ughh!"Jaemin wanted to tear his hair out.

"Okay, let's calm down, so you're telling me our children are going to be besties?" Jaemin turned and gave Renjun the deadliest glare he had ever seen. "I'm joking, of course."

"I went to an abortion clinic and-"

"They're too expensive."


"Good. I don't believe in that stuff." Renjun laughed at Jaemin's angry face in his arms still.

"Okay, nobody asked. Obviously, you decided to keep yours." Jaemin spoke, pointing at Renjun's swelled belly of about 5 months.

"Jaemin, if you decided to get an abortion, I would still respect you and care about you, even if I don't believe in it." Renjun wiped a tear from Jaemin's cheek.

"I know! I don't know what to do, though. I don't want to be pregnant." Jaemin sighed.

"Alright, maybe we can find the alpha who got you pregnant." Renjun suggested.

"Why would we do that? I don't want any kind of ties with an alpha." Jaemin sighed.

"Jaemin, not every alpha is out to get you. If we find this alpha, we can see if he'll help you pay for your abortion. You can threaten him with child support. We'll figure it out."

"You would help me get an abortion?"

"If it makes you feel better, then yes. I have nothing against it. My belief is just that I would never get one. Please get it right."

"Alright, I get it. You're right, though. This is why you're the best." Jaemin smiled at Renjun. Despite Renjun being against so many of the things Jaemin does, he stays by his side. He is the best friend Jaemin has ever had, one of the only people who always stayed. He was eternally grateful for Renjun. He was even able to put up with Renjun's obnoxious alpha, despite his harsh distaste for the species.

"That's right." Renjun smiled proudly, "Now, do you remember anything about this alpha?"

"Not one bit. I just remembered there was more than one person. I think, three? I really don't remember anything. Gosh, why am I so useless?"

"There were three? Jaemin, this is going to be harder than I thought, but again, you're not useless baby." Renjun chuckled, carefully pulling Jaemin for another hug. He was disappointed, but he's already voiced his opinions on Jaemin's lifestyle and Jaemin continues to do the same, all he could do is get him out of trouble when he needed it and show he cares.

"Wait! They keep a record at the front desk. They get everyone's names and IDs and stuff so everyone pays and nobody tells. They might have the info we're looking for."

"Then, let's go." Renjun started to get up and Jaemin followed as they got into Renjun's car.

"I'm sorry, but we can't share this information on other people without consent." The alpha man shook his head. They had been arguing with this alpha for a couple of minutes and Jaemin was getting annoyed.

"Listen here, because of your place having such bad precautions, I got pregnant. What would happen if I informed the police about your illegal little place?" Jaemin smirked.

"You can inform the police but there's records of you being here, you would get in trouble for using our services too." The man said, shoving a finger into Jaemin's shoulder.

"Oh yeah, and what are they going to do to a pregnant omega?" Renjun cut in. There was a possibility of Jaemin ending up in jail still, but he tried to sound confident.

The alpha groaned in frustration. "What's your name?" He asked Jaemin after a while.

"Na Jaemin. I was here two months ago." He remembered this information because that's how many months pregnant he was now. The man looked through the information and spotted the name.

"Okay. I found you. Write this down because I'm not giving you the records."

Jaemin quickly pulled out his phone on his notes app and waited for the man to continue.

"Na Jeamin, Omega, Lee Donghyuk, Omega, Xiao Dejun, Beta, Wong Kunhang, Alpha, and Lee Jeno, Alpha." The man spoke fairly quickly. "Anything else, Princess?" The man asked with a forced smile.

"No, thank you." Jaemin shrugged and walked away.

Renjun wanted to flick off the man, but decided to be civilized. They walked into their car and he saw Jaemin looking over the names.

"Any of them ring a bell?" Renjun asked.

"Nope. Plus, two of them are Chinese, right?"

Renjun nodded.

"I could possibly be carrying a baby that is half Chinese." Jaemin thought aloud. Renjun laughed at the thought.

"It's a fifty-fifty chance. I guess it was nice of the man to tell us their secondary genders. It eliminates some people. The father of your child is either Kunhang or the other Lee guy."

"Jeno." Jaemin said, liking the sound of the name on his tongue. It sounded sharp and masculine. "Kunhang." He tried next. This name rolled off his tongue too but was obviously more difficult to pronounce. He definitely didn't sound how Renjun did when he said it.

"Alright, little baby, do you have a clue who your daddy is?" Jaemin asked to his stomach, gently rubbing it.

"Don't do that." Renjun said, making a face and driving the car, placing a hand on his own abdomen.


"It makes me uncomfortable, you being nice to it, if you're trying to get rid of it."

"Oh, right." Jaemin laughed, "Anyway, how am I supposed to find out where these people live?"

"You're in luck, my friend. I know a guy."

Renjun drove off and took them to an office. Jaemin frowned. He probably should have asked more questions, but Renjun told him to just wait and see. He trusted Renjun though, he was always right about everything.

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