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He clutched the money in his hand, making sure it was still in his pocket. He looked around the clinic and, as always, there were protesters. He rolled his eyes. These people wouldn't understand what it's like to be in his situation. He sighed, rubbing his sore eyes and closed his car door, getting down.


Jaemin turned to a man calling him. He frowned at the bright sun, blocking his view. The man was holding a child in his arms.

"Hey, you! Are you okay?"

Jaemin glanced at the short male's worried look.

"Why do you care? You're trying to convince me not to do this, aren't you?" Jaemin frowned.

"I just want you to listen to me for a second, please." The man spoke in a gentle voice.

Jaemin walked up to him and sighed. He was curious. What would this man have to say?

"Hi, you can call me Ten. I know all of this is overwhelming, but you're not alone, okay? I got pregnant by accident, but it was the best accident in the world." Ten spoke pulling the boy he was holding closer, the boy snuggling to his neck. "In fact, it wasn't an accident, it was by chance that this happened to me."

"I'm not telling you not to do this, but if you're not happy doing this, then maybe you should reconsider. Your face says you've cried. Maybe you don't have support, but I've been through the same thing, and I'm happy to offer any help I can if you decide to keep it. A baby is the greatest gift of love that life could gift you, a baby with your own DNA and blood. You form a stronger bond than you'd think, with a tiny human growing inside you."

"Thanks for the pep talk, but, no, I don't have any support and I don't think I'm going to want any. This baby's dad isn't exactly someone I even know. It was nice hearing your experience, Ten, but I've got to go."

Jaemin walked away from the man and walked into the clinic, painted in muted colors. He spoke to the tired woman at the front desk. She gave him some paperwork to fill out and told him to sit down. He sat on a plastic chair and looked around at all the sad faces.

A very young teenage girl was sat next to him, biting her nails. A teenage boy with his hands on his belly, looked terrified. A woman held her hands together and was clearly in deep thought. Two other people, a man and a woman together, the man was calm while the woman looked awfully burdened.

The abortion clinic was a funeral, and the dead were their unborn children. Yet, they weren't being properly mourned, because their children where nameless, faceless. Their children would suffer for an instant, then be rid of a long life full of suffering, with only their parents to remember them, by the sinking feeling of learning you're not ready to be pregnant.

Jaemin placed a hand on his belly and sighed. The silence in the room was too loud. He could practically hear everyone's manic thinking. He finished filling out the sheet and took his money out of his pocket, observing the crisp bills. 500,000 won wasted for a mistake he made. It was true, you do pay the price for your mistake.

Jaemin bit off the skin of his lip and gasped as he had bit too harshly, in the midst of his thoughts. He could taste the metallic flavor of his own blood flourishing from the small cut.

"a baby with your own DNA and blood"

Jaemin remembered Ten's words and sighed, closing his eyes. All he had to do was give the woman his paperwork and money and he would be set, but his feet felt like bricks. He could hear every sound in the clinic now, the girl biting her nails, the boy rubbing the fabric of his shirt. He could hear all the sighs and 'calming' deep breaths that were in vain.

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