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Before we start I'd like to say this is a really stupid story like really really really stupid so if you wanna be tramatized then you coukd keep reading. Anyways... I don't like grammer so I refuse to add grammer to my stories. Maybe I'll add a few comas here and there otherwise there is like no grammer. Also a few words are um...made up cause I created this when I was a young and I saw this saved in my phone and I was like why not post it.
Sugatuga: sex
Sugaderer: sex murderer (I don't even know what this is so please don't ask)
Vablo: Vagina (a women's southern area)
Pablo: Penis (A man's southern area)

It was raining outside and Rakel was watching the news. Seeing a murderer on the loose she calls her husband, Oscar to come home quickly so he doesn't get stabbed by the murderer. Oscar just got the call from his wife telling him to come home as soon as possible. Oscar runs to his car forgetting his phone, wallet, and pants in his office. He turned the car on watched it roar to life. Oscar was driving over the speed limit not wanting to waste another second away from his forever naked wifey.  Oscar banged on the door (; wanting to see his naked wife. Rakel heard the loud banging outside her door (; and opened the door thinking it's the murderer. She heard rumors about the murderer being handsome and Rakel wanted a little taste. Rakel slapped Oscar. She didn't want him! She wanted the murderer! Rakel dragged the pantless Oscar in the house and started kissing him roughly. She wanted him. She wanted something inside of her. Rakel ripped Oscar's clothes off his body not waiting to wait any longer. She needed him right now. She stuffed his Pablo inside of her hablo and moaned. She wanted a pancake. Maybe Oscar can be her pancake. She started walking with Oscar trailing behind. She started cooking pancakes while Oscar slammed  into her. Once the pancakes were done cooking Rakel had enough of her by. She pushes him away and stuffed the pancakes in her vablo. She loved pancakes so much she wonder why she married the old hag sitting behind her watching everything. Rakel was so caught up in pleasing herself with the pancake she didn't realize she left the front door wide open! The murderer snuck in and immediately started stripping. He wanted to taste Rakel, lick Rakel. He wanted to eat the pancake out of Rakel. So he did. He ran to Rakel eating the pancake out of her and sucking her juices. Oscar soon got jealous of watching them two hit it off so then he started eating Rakel's lips. The murderer rubbed his Pablo with his hand and removed his lips from her vablo. He turned he around and pounded in her. Oscar backing away and moving around the house to find a good angle to watch them from. After hours of sugatuga the murderer spotted a knife to stab them both with. He grabbed the knife and stabbed Rakel's vablo. The murderer walked to Oscar slowly not wanting to wake him up and raised his knife high then slammed it down on his Pablo. Oscar's Pablo came off and Oscar yelled in pain. While Rakel ignored the pain in her vablo she looked and the murderer with so much love and desire. She admired the murderers beauty. The murderer left the house leaving the two married couple to bleed to death. Rakel's eyelids felt heavy. She struggled to keep them open, but she couldn't struggle any longer. She took her last breath and whispered, "sugaderer."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2019 ⏰

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