A sharp, heavy breath escaped Aspen, green eyes widening because who the fuck did he think he was, talking to her like that? Ashton didn't know the truth, none of them did, but that didn't give them the excuse of talking to her like she was some sort of scum. Aspen was painfully aware that she hurt Calum, felt the guilt of it eat her up inside for the past number of years only for it to revive when she laid eyes on him again. But did none of them think to consider that she was hurt, too? That running away from the man she loved tore her heart out?

She could tell them, but there was always a chance they'd still find fault in her for that. And it couldn't count on the truth to protect her, then what else was Aspen to do?

"Ash, dude, relax," Luke cut in, grabbing his friend's elbow to tug him back.

Aspen's teeth grinded together, nails digging into her arms through the material of her jacket. "This has nothing to do with you, okay?" she damn near spat, eyes still on Ashton. "It's between me and Calum, so stay out of it, Ashton."

Ashton scoffed, looking nothing like the kind, welcoming guy she used to know. The Ashton she had been friends with was warm and inviting, always friendly; the man in front of her looked at her through a gaze of nothing but contempt and distaste. It was nerve wracking, but Aspen didn't let it show. "Nothing to do with me?" Ashton leaned towards her, despite Luke's grip. "You're not the one who had to pick up the pieces you shattered by leaving. That was me. That was us."

A bitter taste conjured on Aspen's tongue at Ashton's words, trying not to picture the devastation she may have left behind when she left. It was something that often kept her up at night over the years, stemmed from guilt and longing and everything in between.

"Everything okay in here?"

Calum's voice interrupted the scene and Ashton pulled back, Aspen taking a step away as well as she blinked and forced a smile at the sight of Luna, who was already bounding her way over. "Hi, baby," Aspen breathed, crouching down to be at eye level with her. "Ready for the party?"

It was Richie's daughter, Mariam's, birthday and Aspen and Luna were to meet up with them on Coney Island. Mariam's birthday fell on Sunday so instead of spaghetti Sunday, Aspen and Luna were spending it with her brother's family. As much as he wanted to spend more time with Luna, Calum didn't object, deciding to focus on some business for once.

"Yeah," Luna grinned before turning around to go over to Calum, who bent down to return the hug she was offering. "Bye, Daddy!"

Calum kissed her temple. "Bye, bug."

Aspen stood by somewhat awkwardly as Luna then gave hugs to the other boys as well, who instantly softened at the sweet four year old. Her gaze flickered to Calum, who was smiling fondly at the sight of his friends hugging his daughter, and Aspen briefly wondered if Ashton shared his feelings about her to Calum. Then she refrained a scoff; of course he most likely had. Question was, did Calum feel the same?

When Luna finished with her goodbyes, Aspen couldn't have dragged her out of there faster if she tried.


"Trick or treat!"

Aspen smiled from where she stood at the end of the driveway, arms crossed over her chest as she watched the woman at the doorway drop heaps of candy into all the kids' buckets. She'd lost count of how many houses they've hit, but Luna's bucket was getting more and more candy and her costume was getting all sorts of compliments, and it brought a smile to Aspen's face each time.

Her little girl was dressed as her favorite Disney character—Moana, of course—and Aspen had spent weeks on her costume, making sure to get it exactly as shown in the movie. Plus, it helped Luna had her own thick curls, and her daughter looked like a real life replica of the character. Of course, Aspen took dozens upon dozens of pictures, her heart soaring at the sight of her. Luna looked too cute for words.

Reach For You [Dad!Calum Hood AU]Where stories live. Discover now