"Of course not, silly!" I put my purse down and bounce over to his desk.

"Silly?" He looks up at me. "Don't forget that we're at work. It's Mr. Jeon here, remember?"

"Oh whatever," I roll my eyes and stand beside his desk. "If you must know why I'm so happy, Mr. Jeon, it's because I have a date tonight!"

I watch as he suddenly crinkles the paper in his hand. "A date?" He glares up at me. "With who and where at?"

"Who are you, my mom?" I glare back down at him. "I'm not telling you who it's with, but we're getting pork belly!"

"And soju?" He questions and I narrow my eyes at him.

"...and soju," I clarify. "Why do you need to know?"

"If you come home late and drunk, Secretary Kang," He closes the folder on his desk as he stands and towers above me. "Then you'll be locked out."

"Fine," I cross my arms over my chest. "But I won't be late, and I won't be drunk!"

Me and Jimin sit at a table, and he cuts the pork belly into strips. It just so happens that the restaurant was right across from the office, so it was easy to find.

"Here, have another drink," He offers, and I hold out my cup, allowing him to fill it to the brim. I swallow the burning liquid in one gulp, letting the alcohol run through my system.

Jimin even fixes me a lettuce wrap and feeds it to me. I chomp on it, thanking him.

We haven't talked about much, other than the fact that he was about to have a new comeback. I talked about my pet goldfish and my life, leaving out the detail that I was living with Mr. Jeon.

I pour myself another drink.

"Take it easy," He requests, sounding worried. "This is your second bottle. Shouldn't you reach your limit soon?"

"I'm okay!" I somewhat slur, gulping down the drink again.

By this point my eyelids have gotten heavier, and it's taking more concentration to hold myself up on the chair.

"Wha... what time is it?" I ask the blonde boy, and he checks his phone.

"Almost midnight," He answers, taking a sip from his glass as well. "You should probably be getting home. Do I need to walk you?"

"No!" I shout, alerting nearly everyone in the restaurant.

"Sorry about her," Jimin replies to all of the people, smiling sweetly to each one. "She's a little loud. Again, sorry."

"I can go home my.... myself," I pour another drink, nearly spilling it. I chug the last drink and stand from the chair. "Bye Jimin... you... you handsome boy you..."

I poke his nose and smile at him, and he has a look of shock on his face. I walk out of the restaurant, and begin my trek home.

Along the way, my feet ache from the heels and from stumbling around, so I take them off. I wobble through the rich neighborhood, burping every now and then.

"Jimin is so sweet," I smile to myself. "He's so cute too..."

I stagger to the front door of Mr. Jeon's house and use the doorbell. When he doesn't answer in the next five seconds, I bang on the door with my hand.

"CEO! CEO, let me in!" I shout, dropping my heels on his front door step.

"Secretary Kang, I already told you that I'd lock you out-" He opens the door and I trip forward, falling on top of him. My arms wrap around his neck, and I use his body to steady my own.

"I'm not drunk, CEO," I nuzzle my head into the crook of his neck. "And it's not late...."

"Secretary Kang you-"

Then I black out.

Jungkook's POV

"She's out cold," I sigh when I feel her body fall limp onto my own.

I reach down and pick her up, carrying her bridal style to her bedroom. She reeks of alcohol, and she's even barefoot.

"You crazy girl," I glance down at her as I walk up the stairs. "Why'd you drink so much, anyway?

Her arms wrap around my neck yet again, and she nestles her head into my chest. My heart leaps for a second at the notion, and I shake my head as I try to get the jitters out of my system.

I manage to open the door of her room, and I lay her down on the bed. Her hair that is normally neat and well kept in her ponytail is coming down in places, and her blouse is even wrinkled.

I pull the covers over her body, tucking her in. Before I realize what I'm doing, I kneel at her bedside.

My hand brushes back a strand of hair from her face, and I notice her lips are slightly parted.

My thoughts go back to the sudden kiss at the party. She pulled me in so fast that I had no idea what was even going on until it had already happened.

"Not that I'm complaining..." I mumble to myself. "It wasn't a bad kiss..."

She suddenly turns over to face me, her eyes still closed. Her breath fans my face and I nearly gag.

"I don't want to kiss her now though," I stand up and head to her door. "She'll regret this in the morning."

Giving her a final smile, I turn the lights off and shut the door.


Yes Sir, Mr. Jeon (BTS Jungkook)Where stories live. Discover now