She looked at the moon, it's shining ball of light sitting there in the night sky, then she looked back at me. "You won't be safe if you don't leave."

I shook my head. "No. I'm not leaving you." I took a step towards her.

She growled, this time it was louder. "You'll be in serious danger if you don't." Suddenly, she grunted, and let out a small screech. She hit the ground, burying her face into the ground.

I ran over to her. "What's going on?" I could hear the worry in my own voice. I didn't know what to do. I put a hand on her shoulder, trying to calm her and be some sort of support.

She looked up, her yellow glowing eyes staring me right in mine. Suddenly, a force was pushed onto my chest, and I was sent flying back. It was only until I looked up off of the ground to see her arm still extended. I'd been pushed.

I heard crackling, like twigs. Though they weren't wood, they were bone. Her back, her spine, they all started to rotate and rearrange. They started changing their shape to new. Tera's face was in pain. Her eyes were closed, and her teeth were gritted. They also started to change shape. They were growing into canines.

Her body was changing into a dog-like figure, but larger. She grew a muzzle like a wolf with the ears and snout. Her body was stretching and growing black fur. Finally, she grew a tail that was furry and long.

My body told me to run, but I was stuck in fear. I was petrified. I had stayed on the ground from where I was thrown. I remained still and watched the transformation. But this was the most unbelievable thing I'd ever seen. Her shape, her transformation on a full moon. It was clear what she was, even though I didn't even dream of them being real. Werewolf.

She finally stood still. She turned to look at the moon, and then back straight ahead of her. She bent her head back, and let out a howl that could've filled the entire forests of all of Montana. A howl that sent chills down my spine all the way to my calves. Was that a cue for me to run?

I let out a small sigh, one that I thought she wouldn't hear. But I was wrong, because her head snapped over towards my direction. I should've just left when Tera told me to I thought. But I wouldn't. I couldn't. I just felt like I'd be abandoning her if I did, and now I see what she meant, because I now know I'm probably about to die.

She studied me with her yellow glowing eyes. I met them for a few seconds before realization came to mind. Wolves feel challenged if you stare them in the eyes. I finally was able to stand myself up and slowly start backing away. I wasn't gonna turn and run because that would make me prey. She started walking towards me, her eyes set with determination. I think I'd be prey even if I don't run. I was so dead.

I backed into a tree, but just stood there and didn't go around. She was only a few feet away at this point. I started riding up the tree, standing on my toes. I was doing everything I could to just sink as far back as possible.

She was only inches away from me. Her head was the same height as my chest. I closed my eyes and turned my cheek. Is this it? Is this how I die? I thought. Man, I thought I had so much I wanted to do. I wanted to go to college and study animals. Now I'm about to be dinner for a human that changes into a very large animal.

I felt something warm and wet come across my bare neck. It caught me by surprise, and I jumped a little. I peeked my eyes open, looking at the big, black wolf looking up at my face. She was sitting, her body standing tall and majestic.

"Tera?" Was all I managed to get out this entire time. I was still uneasy, and I'd be a liar if I said I wasn't afraid anymore, because God knows I'm scared shitless. "Tera, is that you?"

She cocked her head at me, and let out a small, dog-like bark. "Is that a yes?" She barked again, and I sighed in relief. "Great. Just great."

I took a side step and started pacing. "Let me get this straight. You mean to tell me, that after all this time, you're a werewolf?" I looked at her, her eyes watching me in curiosity. "Are you fucking kidding me?" I didn't usually cuss as much, but this had been a moment to use almost any kind of language in my vocabulary, and that included the f bomb.

Maybe this wasn't the time to get angry and loud, especially around a wolf- or werewolf- on account that I don't know what loud noises and sudden outbursts could cause them to do. But she was calm and collected, still sitting there sitting there watching me.

Her tail wagged, and she stood. She started to walk off, looking back at me for me to follow. I did as she directed, and she led us to a bush with clothes all across it. Her clothes.

I looked at her. "You want me to take your clothes?" She barked a yes.

I collected her clothes (blushed whenever I had to pick up her bra and underwear) and folded them up to put them in my bag. I found the bracelet and picked it up, placing it around my wrist. She saw, and when I started to take it off, she came over and licked my hand and it as well. I guess it was okay.

"Do you want me to put them somewhere so you can get to them?" She growled, a small growl that was barely threatening, but I didn't care because I was as threatened as ever. I guess that's a no. "Okay, um, well, what? Take them in my house?" She barked.

"Well, I don't want you going home naked." Before I could bug her anymore, she walked over and put her snout over my shoulder against my neck. I was stiff. I wasn't sure what to do. Tera, in a werewolf form, was hugging me. Her fur was soft and comforting. She pulled away, licked my face one more time, and turned to trot off out of sight in the dark forest, her black figure disappearing.

Now I was alone in the dark woods.

She Came From the Forest (James and Tera: book 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant