I get enough clothing for a week, and I pack it up in my pink suitcase. Bubbly comes with me as well, and I carry him in my arms as I walk to Mr. Jeon's home.

He gave me the address on a piece of paper today, and I was currently on the sidewalk in what some people refer to as the 'rich neighborhood'. Modern mansions and homes lined the suburban neighborhood, and there were even landscapers out trimming bushes or cutting grass.

I felt immediately out of place here in my white converse, blue jeans, and t-shirt. Rich elderly ladies sit out on the porch of one mansion, sipping tea and chatting of gossip.

They stare at me as I walk by and I give them a smile. Why did he have to live in such a fancy and populated neighborhood?

I finally make it to his house. "You've got to be joking," I gasp as I look at the large building.

It must have been the most expensive looking one on the block, with ornate modern decor everywhere. The grass in the front was trimmed neatly, and even the little bushes in the front were cut into perfect sphere shapes.

"Rich boy," I mumble as I ring the doorbell. "Of course he has to have the best house on the block."

I wait about thirty seconds before he opens the door.

"Hello, Secretary Kang," He smiles at me. "Nice of you to stop by. What brings you here?"

"Cute act," I bitterly smile back at him. "Let me inside, this is getting heavy."

I motion to Bubbly who splashes around in my arms.

"You... brought a fish?" He questions, tapping the bowl with his finger.

"Don't hit the bowl!" I scold him. "He hates that!"

He seems to suppress a laugh as he moves to the side and lets me come in.

The inside is just as extravagant as the outside is, and there's decorations everywhere. I sit Bubbly on the first surface I see, which just so happens to be the kitchen counter.

"What do you think?" Mr. Jeon asks, propping his elbows on the counter top. "Can you stand to live here a couple of days?"

I look over at him. "I think I can manage. Where's my room at?"

"Right this way," He smiles and I follow him.

I carry my luggage in one hand as I walk beside him now, looking at every little detail in the house.

There were a lot of fancy decorations here, but there weren't a lot of personal items. It contrasted my home, which has sentimental knickknacks placed everywhere.

"Here," He suddenly takes my suitcase from me. "That looks heavy."

I don't argue with him as we both walk up a set of stairs. I now notice his causal outfit. He's not in his usual suit anymore. He's wearing an oversized gray hoodie with blue jeans. It looks surprisingly well on him, too.

There's a hallway in front of us now, and he stops at the first door we see.

"This is your room," He answers, opening the door for me.

It's a simple room with a bed, a desk, a closet, and even a book shelf. It was spacious, for which I was glad.

"Do you like it?" He asks and I spin around to face him.

"Its perfect," I smile. "I don't think living here will be so bad after all."

"That's great to hear," He sits my suitcase down beside the door. "The room next to this one is the bathroom, and the one right past that is my room."

"Got it," I nod. "Thank you, Mr. Jeon."

"No," He shakes his head. "During off work hours, call me Jungkook."

"Jungkook?" I reply, and he grins, showing his bunny teeth again.


Its later in the night and I've unpacked all of my belongings into the closet. Grabbing a fresh pair of pijamas and my shampoo, I exit my room and head towards the bathroom.

I'm in desperate need of a shower, and when I walk in to see the bathroom, I'm entirely grateful that Mr. Jeon- no, Jungkook offered me the room.

The shower had multiple heads and jets to it, and it was surrounded by a glass wall. There were two modern sinks, and even the toilet looked fancy. Marble coated the floor, and false rocks covered the walls, giving it a rustic, yet new feeling.

I close the door behind me and get undressed. I put the dirty clothes in a pile and I put my pijamas on the counter. Setting the water, I step inside.

Rich showers really do feel better.

I lather up shampoo and scrub it into my scalp, savoring the hot water as it hits my back. "This is nice," I talk to myself.

There's a sudden noise coming from the door, and I jump as I see the door open. Jungkook stands there, his wide eyes staring at my nude frame.

I let out an ear ripping screech, trying to cover my body with my hands.

"I'm sorry I forgot you were here!" He shouts back, running out and  immediately shutting the door back.

"I change my mind," I shake my head, flustered at what just happened. "Living here will be a nightmare!"


Yes Sir, Mr. Jeon (BTS Jungkook)Where stories live. Discover now