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Jamie and Andy both sat on the couch while munching on a bowl of popcorn "oh hey?" Jamie smiled and looked over at Elliott "this is elliott, Elliott this is Andy and Jamie" I introduced them, they all waved hi "he's better than Jayden trust me" I added on, my sister laughed nodding her head "yeah he's a handful" she chuckle "Lucas I haven't seen you in awhile, what the fuck is going on with you?" "I'm fine I was staying at Elliott place" I shrugged while walking to my room "Nate told me you came to school with hickeys,please don't get her pregnant" she yelled.

I walked over to my room "don't worry about it" I yelled back rolling my eyes "snitch" I muttered as Elliott followed behind me "this is my room, it might smell like flowers or some weird scent. My sister tends to plug a lot plug in scentsy?" I said slowly while throwing my backpack on the side of my room "it smells like lavender" he chuckle while sitting on my bed "yeah I'm kinda just immune to all the smells now, my favorite is the sunflower scent" I nodded "you like sunflowers?" He asked "they're cute, flowers are nice I'm not sure how I feel about them" I laughed "and you?" "I'm a mixture of hydrangeas and rose. I'm that type of person,flowers are amazing to look at. One of the reasons why I loved going to my grandmas house" he smiled while laying back on the bed "I should take you out to a garden and we can find out what's your favorite flower" he grabbed my hand gently laying kisses on it, he pulled me closer laying kissing down my neck cupping my cheeks after, he looked up at my eyes then down at my lips giving me a long kiss, the doorknob jiggle causing me pull away throwing myself off the bed, hitting my head on the floor "ow fuck" I sat up holding my head. "Hey do you guys want a snack?" Jamie asked, she looked at us confused "sorry we were fighting, he pinched me" I laughed "he literally doesn't like flowers, he's weird. He doesn't see the beauty in them" Elliott grinned, my sister just nodded "it's fine thanks" I awkwardly chuckle giving her a small wave.

She left my room, Elliott started to laugh at me "that was close" he said in between his laughs "would she be cool with it?" He asked "I think so? Would your parents be cool with it?" "I think so?" He says making us both automatically grin at each other, he then grabbed my hands "I constantly want to be giving you kisses or holding onto your hand. It's like some addiction I have now" he smiled big "my cheeks hurt on how much I smile around you" my smile grew "you're just too adorable" I gave him a kiss.

"Stay at my place" he had his arms wrapped around me, as I leaned on his chest "again? You aren't tired of me?" I laughed "never, my parents aren't home" he winked at me "I guess I can go" "good" he kisses my cheek "let me get my things" I sat up "we didn't even do your homework" "we can work on it later" I grabbed some of my clothes shoving into another backpack. We both got up grabbing our things walking to the living room "where you guys going?" Jamie asked "Elliott's place?" "Why don't you guys stay here, it's been awhile since you stayed here" she frowned "Elliott place has stuff to make s'mores and he also has ice cream, best munchies in town" I nodded "I can go to the store for you guys" she smiled "come on Jamie it's code word for edibles now leave them alone" Andy sip on his soda through a straw. Jamie raised her finger in the air but brought it down slowly "goodnight sleep well" she muttered leaving.


"Where are we going?" I asked while staring around his room "also why haven't you drawn something new?" He shrugged "I'm sorta stuck at the moment, you just been on my mind all the time" He shyly smile while looking for his sweater "then draw me" I said causing him to shoot his head right up at me "really? You're not lying?" He asked, I shake my head "no I think it would be cool" "I was thinking about that but I thought it would weird you out" he shrugged while sitting next to me "no it would be cool" I grabbed his hand "ready to go?" He asked as I nodded as my response.

We left his house walking down to the small park by the riverside "the moonlight here is amazing, it's breath taking seeing the stars and moon reflect against the water" he grabbed my hand twirling me around before pulling me extra close to his chest making me laugh "dance with me" he laughed stuffing his face on the crook of my neck "I can't dance with you, there's no music" we both smiled at each other as he pulled away from me "get use to these dates, I was thinking maybe we could have a movie night at your place or something so I can meet Jamie or something or you could meet my parents" he sighed "but of course as a friend" he stared down at our hands "I like the sound of that, we could do both if you want? You can also stay at my place?" Elliott smiled nodding his head "I enjoy these sleepovers, it's starting to feel strange without you sleeping next to me already. Should I be worried?" He joked "let's go get that ice cream, sorry that the date has been lame and so random" he stared up at the stars, I smiled up at him while we walked slowly "what do you mean? I'm enjoying it" I whispered now staring up at them.


"So you're saying mint chocolate is ass, and you haven't even tried it?" Elliott scoffed at me with disappointment "what, I just think minty stuff shouldn't be mix with sweets" I shrugged while licking my ice cream. Elliott held his cookie dough ice cream while I held my cookies and cream, just basic flavors really. "I'll get you some, it's amazing trust me" he got up "no, it's probably ass" "it'll change your mind" he whined.

"Geez Elliott, your date is pretty ugly no offense" Daniel walked over to us with his strawberry and waffle cone "my date flake on me" Elliott stared up at Daniel "so I'm here to help him, bros before hoes" I awkwardly laughed "Elliott he just called your girlfriend a hoe" Daniel nudged him "I wanna grab whatever hoe Lucas has been hitting" Jayden walked over to us, sending me a wink. I made a face "Jesus jayden, it's always you saying weird shit."

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