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We sighed while watching the tv, as the celebrity news spread and continue on talking about the Kardashian's, of course. And another huge scandal going on with them.

Jayden slapped his hand on my thigh "Reminds me! I forgot to tell you something" he chuckle, my attention went towards him "remember Emma?" He asked as I nodded my head slowly "cute one? Brown hair and huge brown eyes?" I said making him nod his head "yeah she's lesbian" he blurted out and went back to looking up at the tv as if something normal to say and nothing too surprising.

I gave a confused expression "how does the Kardashian's remind you of Emma being gay?" I shake my head as he huffed "because Nate and I were obviously trying to smash and she became a waste" my mouth hung open "a waste?"I mumble while trailing my eyes back at the tv.  Am I really friends with him? Those were some harsh words.

Coming out at my school was a huge thing, you would assume not much people will care and there will be homophobic's here and there. Well at my school its switch around, there were people who were cool with it here and there and mostly everyone had a problem with it. Claiming it was a huge sin, but yet most of them are cover with tattoos and drink on the weekends and go finish it off with banging each other. There were certain levels to be able to walk around school and be gay. And if you didn't get past those certain levels, well you basically had a huge blinking sign over your head with the huge word FAG in all caps. And again if you weren't past those certain level, the school will expose you. Big time expose you. Make your life a living hell. Boy did it suck to be gay.

"Why are we even watching this?" He sighed making me snap quickly out of my thoughts "my sister left it on.. and I forgot to change it" I grabbed the remote "they were showing how Selena Gomez had an accident nip slip." I mumble again, never in my life Jayden has made me this uncomfortable. We hardly even hang out actually, I was always alone or with Nate. His phone quickly flashed notify that he had an incoming call, his eyes widen as he stared down at the name Nate in huge letters.

"Hey!" He answered, I begin to channel surf not finding anything really trying not to hear on their conversation going on between them two. "No way" he paused "we're going, I'll see you in a bit" he hung up, quickly getting up shoving me into the sofa even more. "hurry you dumbass, we're going to party!" He pumped his fist in the air doing a small dance.

I stared at him, shaking my head "no, I can't go. I don't feel well" I moved my eyes back on the tv "stop being gay and get your shoes on" he grabbed my shoulders shaking me "what's up with you using gay as insult? We're in 2019 that shit is over, we moved on" I glance over his shoulder putting Enews back on.

"WE moved on?" He emphasized the word "We" loudly. "Why are you getting so damn offended?" Jayden rolled his eyes throwing himself on the sofa. "It's just-" he cut me off "you're gay?" He grossly said giving me a disgusting look, I quickly shake my head "of course not, I'm not believe me!" "Then don't worry about it" he scoffed.

And of course, there was an awkward silence and the only thing playing in the back was Selena Gomez nip slip scandal. Great.

"Where is it?" I asked "just across from town, come on it'll be fun" he smiled, I really didn't feel like going. "That's too far" I glance at him "come on, Nate told me there's a ton of liquor" he grinned.

I hardly even went to parties and I really didn't stay long at them, I just been busy with school or just so focus on that and home I really forgot to party a lot. But I mean I was stressing, I guess the thought of liquor burning my throat was really my mood for tonight.

"Sure" I blurted out "why not" I added while smiling. Jayden quickly jumped reaching over to my hair messing it up "alright I'll meet you in the car" he excitedly left the house, I chuckle while grabbing my sweater.

It was like if I gave Jayden a million dollars, he really wanted to go the party. And I really didn't take much notice on how much he loved to, on the car ride there he told me stories and gave me "advice" on how to more girls.

We soon arrived at the place,Jayden parked his car a few house down but I told him that wouldn't help. As cliche as this sounds but as soon as we enter the house, my nose was filled with the smell of weed and a bit of throw up. I forgot about that smell.And I would've thought Jayden would've stick by my side after that good conversation we had in the car but no I was wrong my boy disappeared into the crowd. I was left alone.

I glance around the room and just saw people either talking with each other or just making out, I wasn't sure where my friends were and I didn't care much but I just wanted liquor in my hand. I pushed myself through the crowd into the kitchen to find two girls laying on top of the counters, I chuckle while grabbing a red cup pouring the liquor inside. The girl with short brown hair reached over gently pushing my hand "dude that's liquor isn't that a bit too much?" She giggled while sitting up. I smiled shaking my head "I'm use to it" I lied, I watched as she hop off the counter wrapping her hands around my neck. She stared up at me smirking "I prefer beer" she smiled while glancing down at my lips "stop flirting Cameron" the blonde yelled. I raised a brow as she giggled loudly "what I just think he's-" she paused before laying small kisses all over my neck, she pulled away "cute" she finished.  My eyes widen "have you guys seen Jayden?" I asked, they both looked at my confusedly shaking their head "well I have to find him" I said while pulling away from her arms quickly walking back into the living room.

I wasn't sure how to react in that situation, since I wasn't really turned on but more rather than confused. I mean this was what I wanted, this was what the big hype was about. I should've kissed her or flirted back? Do I just go back in and kiss her or?

I sighed while throwing myself on the couch, taking a huge sip out of my cup causing me to cough loudly. I heard a chuckle beside me, making me to turn quickly only to find myself staring at a boy with fluffy brown hair and blue eyes smiling huge. I looked at him weirdly "want some?" He asked while holding the joint at my face "sure" I mumble while taking it from his fingers. I took a quick huff before passing it back to him, he laid back in the couch glancing around the room.

"I never seen you around, are you new?" I asked, he smiled again nodding his head "yeah, I'm Elliot" he held his hand out "Lucas" I shook his hand, he held the joint up at me, I shook my head as my response glancing up at him. He laid back while blowing the smoke out, glancing down at me "You like to party?" He asked, I shrugged " I guess, do you?" "Yeah they're really fun" he chuckle. I gave him a smile while taking another sip from my cup "Not a huge fan of drinking though, just here for the weed" he said as we both laughed "I was going to ask if you wanted some" I held the cup to him "what is it?" "Just some liquor" I say causing him to make a face "by itself-" he was cut off by Nate stumbling over to me.

"Lucas go out there and get some pussy" he slurred with laughing "Nate where's Jayden?" I asked him as he shrugged "last time I saw he was making out with some red head" he laughed again "fuck" I cursed "I'm going to be here for awhile" I angrily muttered to myself Nate stared at me grinning "why?" He grinned.

I glance back at Elliot, only to find him making out some blonde in the corner of the room. I guess he was getting laid too. I got up poring the rest of the liquor into my mouth "where are you going?" Nate asked, I ignored him as I waked into the kitchen grabbing the bottle. Cameron stared at me, I walked over to her laying a small kiss on her lip making her giggle. She wrapped her arms around me, pulling into another but deeper kiss.

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