Chapter 12

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“Zayn what wrong.” “Adam sent her a message object Facebook.” “Really.” “Yeah.” “Did she wright back?” “No but I did.” “If she finds out she going to get mad.” “I know but I couldn’t help it.” “Who is she talking to?” “Maybe Paul, he did say to call when we got here.” “That true.”

“Babe, who was it.” “It was El. We should go.” “What happen?” “I’ll tell you in the car I don’t want people to hear us.” We were talking to the car.

“Okay well what did El say?” “Paul found out about Adam cousin being my cousin boyfriend.” “He is really mad than.” Niall answered her. “Yeah he is they all are coming they should be there soon.” “That good we will wait for him at the hotel.” “El in is our hotel.” “Really.” “Yeah she is waiting for us.” “Let’s stop by Starbucks.” “I know were one.” “Good.” “Remember when we first meet.” “Yes.” “Best day of my life.” “Mine two.” We kiss. “Come on love birds.” “Sorry Niall.” “Well Carolina promises me that you won’t get into a fight.” “I already promise Harry.” “That Harry now do you promise me that you won’t get into a fight with anyone.” “I promise.” “Babe, are you parents going to be there.” She never talked about her parents. “I hope they are not.” “Why not?” “Can we talk about it later?” “Yeah that fine.” We got to the hotel. “Hi guys.” “Hi El.” “This is the lovely Carolina. I heard so much about you.” “Really.” “Yeah Louis say you’re like this sister.” “They all like my brother except Zayn.” wait what. “Why not Zayn.” “I don’t know He is crazy he not normal.” “So.” I answered her.” “I’m just playing babe you’re awesome. You’re the best guy in the world.” “What about me Carolina.” “You two Niall.” “And me.” “You Two Harry.” “What about me?” She turns around and sees Liam behind her. “Liam you’re here.” She ran up and hugged him. Louis ran up to El. “Paul I’m sorry.” “Sorry for what.” “I forgot about my cousin going out with Adam cousin. The news was bad itself.” “We should go to the hospital than.” “Carolina please don’t get into a fight.” She going to get mad that everyone telling her to promise not to get into a fight. “Why does everyone keep telling me that?” “You don’t remember do you?” “No what.” “Before we meet you, you got into a fight with Adam cousin. When you get mad, that why our head hurt really bad.” “I can’t believe I don’t remember that.” “You were drunk that night he.. He..” “He what.” “He kissed you and you push him off your cousin saw that he kissed you he got mad at her.” “I only remember he almost hit her.” “That the only part you remember.” “Don’t worry babe I won’t let him near you.” “Thank Zayn if I try to talk please cover my mouth.” “Anything for you. We got to the hospital. Her parents were there. They didn’t even come up to see how she was doing. “Do you want to talk to them?” “No.” “Hi can I help you.” “We’re Erika room.” “415.” “Thank you.” we walked in we see Adam and his cousin in the room. ”Carolina I’m glad your here.” She was going to say something but Niall and I covered her mouth.” “Can she be alone with her cousin?” “Yes come on John.” He tried to get close to her but Harry Liam and Louis got in front of her. “Come on babe.”

“Carolina.” “Yes that me.” “She only remembers you out of everyone in the family. I’m sorry you make it to late she in a coma.” she began to cry. “I’m really sorry. She only wanted to see you but John doesn’t want you here I’m sorry.” “Wait why not.” The police came in the room “Carolina you have to come with me.” “Wait what.”

She could stop crying. “You can’t take her she hasn’t done anything.” I was getting angry. They took her to the police station. “Niall you know she hasn’t done anything wrong.” I know Zayn but John being an ass.” “Zayn everything going to be fine.” “Thanks harry.” Why is this happening to her? “Hey El.” “Hey Zayn.” “Do you know if Carolina has talked to Adam?” “She doesn’t talk to him. He just won’t leave her alone.” “Okay thanks.” “What did you do?” “Nothing. Why do you ask?” “You’re lying to me so tell me what you did.” “I wrote back to Adam using Carolina laptop.” “She is going to get mad at you.” “I know she is please don’t tell her.” “I won’t.” I hated the fact that he was on the same hospital as her. I walked over to Paul. “Paul we both know she didn’t do anything wrong.” “I know let me talk to the lawyer to see what is going on.” we see John. “I’m so glad that your stupid girlfriend left my cousin.” “Don’t you dare talk bad about my girlfriend?” He left because the policeman took him. Why are they taking so long? Why can’t they tell us what going on?

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