Chapter 18

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We finishing eating. Her phone began to ring. “Hello. I forgot I have court tomorrow. I will. Bye.”

She has court tomorrow and she didn’t tell me. “Who was it?” “Johnny.” “What did he want?” “When I can start on the song.” “Why didn’t you tell me you had court tomorrow?” “I was going to tell you.” “Your going to tell Johnny everything than me.” “No. I was going to tell you when we went to lunch but I forgot.” “How can you forget to tell me?” “You keep talking to Niall.” “You just tough that I wasn’t going to find out.” “I was going to tell you.” “Guy do you want to keep it down we can hear you 3 doors down.” “Sorry Niall.” She walked away. “Were are you going Carolina?” “Why do you care? All your going to do is scream at me.” “Please wait I’m sorry.” The elevator door was open she got in close the door so I won’t get in. How can I be this stupid I know if I keep this up I’m going to lose her. Niall called her. I know she wants to be alone. I went to Paul room. “Hey Paul.” “Hey were Carolina.” “We got into an argument  and she left.” “Do you know were she is.” “No. But I think she is with Niall.” “Okay thanks.” I went to my room. “Hey Zayn what happen with Carolina.” ” We were arguing.” “About what.” “She told Johnny first that she has court tomorrow. I found out when she told him.” “Zayn you know she loves you. Maybe she forgot to tell you first.” “She said she forgot to tell me. I tough she was lying.” “She loves you doesn’t matter if she tell you first or last. No one can take her away from you.” “I know I feel so stupid I use don’t want to lose her.” The door open. A little girl was with Niall and Carolina.

Niall Called me “Hello.” “Were are you?” “Out side why?” “Come back.” “Why?” “Wait for me in the front desk.” “Fine.” I waited for Niall. “Hi.” “Hi.” “Are you Carolina?” “Yes.” I smiled at the little girl. “I love you. Your amazing Zayn so lucky to have you.” “Thanks sweetheart. What your name?” “Lily.” “Lily I love your name.” “Thank you.” “Is it true that you and Zayn going to brake up.” “No that is not true.” “Okay good You two are amazing together.” “Carolina there you are.” “Hey Niall.” “Hi sweetheart what your name.” “Lily.” “Hi Lily. Carolina and I have to go we will see you around.” “Okay bye Carolina.” “Bye Lily.” Niall and I went out side. “What happen between you and Zayn.” “Not here. Lets go somewhere else.” “Why not here?” I don’t want her to hear this.” “Okay fine.” We walked to Starbucks. “Tell me what happen.” “Johnny called me I told him that I couldn’t sing with him in the morning because I have court in the morning.” “What you have court?” “Yeah I forgot. I was excited to sing.” “Why did Zayn get mad?” “I told Johnny first about court. He said that I’m going to tell Johnny first than I tell him. You know that not true I forgot to tell him he keep talking to you, and I forgot.” “I know please don’t start to cry.” “I won’t come on lets go back.” “I don’t want to go back.” “You have to. You have to tell Paul.” My phone began to ring. “Who it is?” “Paul.” I answered it. “Hello.” “Carolina were are you.” “At Starbucks with Niall.” “Why did you leave?” “Zayn and I got into an argument.” “About what.” “I’ll tell you when I get there.” “Okay fine. Be careful.” “Okay dad.” We walked back. Lily was still at the lobby. “Carolina your back.” “Yes were you mom.” “I don’t know. She said she was coming an hour ago.” I walked up to the front desk. “Hey John.” “Hi Carolina what can I do for you.” “Have you seen her mom.” “She left to the store its been an hour.” “Is it okay if I take her to my room.” “I don’t see why not she likes you.” “Tell her mom that she is in my room. Call me so I can bring her down.” “Will do.” “Hey Lily do you want to go up to my room and watch a movie.” “Yeah.” “Why are you taking her Carolina?” “Her mom said she was coming to get her it has been an hour and she still not here.” We walked into my room.

Me:“Where were you?”

Carolina:“Out with Niall.” Liam came up to Lily.

Liam: “What your name?”

Lily: “Lily.”

Liam: “Your so cute. Why are you with Carolina.”

Lily: “She taking care of me my mom still not here.”

Louis: “Awww is she a good baby sitter.”

Lily: “She is grate.”

Carolina: “Awww Liam can you watch her I have to talk to Paul.”

Liam: “Okay.” She walked out of the room. “Carolina wait.” “What Zayn?” “Were did you go?” “I went out with Niall.” “I have to go talk to my dad if you don’t mind.” “I’m going with you.” “Why?” “So we can talk.” “Do whatever you want?” “Carolina what happen.” “Will you come with me tomorrow.” “Were?” “I have court.” “Yeah I’ll go with you is Zayn going.” “Yes.” “I don’t care.” We said that in the same time. “What happen earlier why did you leave?” “Zayn got mad because I told Johnny that I have court tomorrow I was going to tell him but he was talking to Niall. I was so excited that I was going to sing tomorrow. That I forgot to tell him and he found out when I told Johnny.” “Zayn why did you get mad that she didn’t tell you. You guys just made up.” “I don’t want her to love him.” She hugged me. “I love you Zayn. Only you I won’t love anyone else.” “Much better. Now you two can leave.” “Dad you know Lily. She is 6 year old.” “Yeah what about her.” “Her mom never came back for her. She said she was coming back and it has been an hour she not back.” “I’ll make some calls to see what happen.” “Thank dad.” We walked back to the room. “Carolina your back.” Lily hugged her. “Yeah what did you do while I was gone.” “Liam doing something on your computer.” “Liam why do you have my laptop.” “I was taking picture look.” I saw how her face light up. “Come on Carolina take some with me please.” “Okay Lily.” “You two Zayn.” We took picture. Paul came in. “Carolina we have to talk.” They  walked out side. We keep taking picture. “Zayn you and Carolina are so cute together.” “Thank you. Your so cure can I keep you.” “Yeah.” She had the gibber smile on her face. 

She walked back into the room. “Hey Lily do you want to go with me somewhere.” “Yeah do you know were my mom is.” “Yes.” Everyone had a smile on there faces but I saw her face I knew something was wrong. “Come on Paul waiting for us in the car.” Lily was so happy. I texted her. “What happen?” “Her mom car accident.” I texted the guys. We got to the hospital. “Lily wait for me here. I’ll be right back. Okay your in good hands.” “Okay Carolina.” She walked into the room. “Is she going to tell her.” “I don’t know.” “How is she going to take it?” “We have to wait and see.”

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