Chapter 3

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We were in the car “Carolina what happened.” “He told me that he is going to hurt me if I don’t go back out with him.” “He crazy he won’t hurt you ill protect you.” “Thank Niall.” “Your like my little sister.” “You’re my older brother.” She hugs him. “Babe are you ready.” “I’m nervous.” “Don’t be babe it’s going to be fine.” “Okay.”  She smiled. We did an interview it went well. We had fun. After the book singing, Paul took us out to eat. I saw Carolina checking her phone it keep ringing over 10 seconds. “Babe what’s wrong.” “Nothing wrong.” She gave me a fake smile. “Let’s go outside.” “Okay.” “Excuses us guys we will be right back.” “Don’t do anything that Liam won’t do.” Harry said everyone was laughing. “What wrong Carolina.” “He won’t leave me alone.” “What is he saying to you?” “He told me if I break up with you he going to hurt you.” I can see she was scared. I can see the fear in her eyes. “Don’t worry babe you have me and the guys we won’t let him hurt you. He can’t hurt me because I have the most wonderful girl in the world, no one can hurt me.” I saw her smile. “I’m just scared what if he comes to my place and does something stupid.” “Don’t worry. Stay at with me tonight.” “Okay.” She smiled that made me happy. “Okay let’s go eat and so we can go back to your place to pick up some of your things.” “Sound good. Let go back.” we walk back to the table she left her phone on the table. “Carolina hope you don’t mind but your phone was ringing and I answered it hope it was okay.” Liam asking her thinking she would be mad at him “Yeah that fine.” she said smiling “It was that jerk.” Harry said you can tell he was angry “He started to yell at Liam saying you weren’t with him by tomorrow night. He is taking you away from us.” you can tell Louis was mad how some can treat her like a she was property. I can see the fear in her eyes again. “Everything going to be fine we have your back.” Louis told her. “Don’t worry Carolina. We won’t let him hurt you.” Niall trying to make her happy. “Thank you guys. You don’t have to do this.” “Carolina I know we just met and all but we can’t let some guy do this to you. He doesn’t own you.” Paul said hoping she will change her mind.  “We all care about you we don’t like seeing you sad.” “Carolina, I don’t let this happened but I have to it’s for your own safety your stay with Zayn tonight. We will stop by your place to get some of your things.” “Thanks Paul.” “Carolina, if you don’t mind me asking how you and your ex met.” “Well Liam he is my brother friend I use to pick up my brother from school and he would come to our family bbq its started from there.” “I didn’t know you have a brother.” “Yeah it’s only me and him.” “Did your brother ever tell you he was his mean. “No he was never like this I don’t even know why he. Like this.” “He just one of those guys that wants what they can’t have.” We were all done eating. We went to her house to get her things. “Carolina so the guys only have four more concert to do. You should come with too.” “Really, Paul.” “Yes really.” “I don’t know if the guys want me to go.” Niall cut her off “are you joking Carolina ill love it if you would come.” “Yeah come” all the guys had a smiled on. “Please babe.” I looked her in the eyes. “Come on it won’t be fun if you’re not there.” “Okay fine I’ll go.” She smiled I kiss her forehead. She got her suit case that was in her closest. “She put close shoes make up flash drives her 2 laptops camera and 2 picture of her 2people. I didn’t know who they were. Her phone began to ring harry took it from her. “Hello.” “Tell her she has until tomorrow to make up her mind.” “If she doesn’t.” “Someone will pay for you 6.” “We aren’t scare of you.” he hangs up doesn’t even bother to listen. “What did he say.” lima asking so nervously.” he says she has until tomorrow to make up her mind. Or one of us 6 will pay.” “Carolina you need a new phone with a new number.” Paul said.” no I’m fine with this phone that I have.” “No Carolina for your own good I’m going to get you one and that final.” “Okay Paul. I don’t know who to thank you guys.” “Just being our friends is enough.” Harry said. We open the door when we see. Her brother was at the door. “Hi.” she was scared of her own brother the fear in her eyes. “What going on and what are they going in my house. “Nothing we are just leaving.” “Why do you have a suit case?” “It’s Louis and he forgot it here this morning.” She was afraid of him I hold her hand. “I’ll take this to the car. I’ll see you guys there.” “Carolina, can we talk alone.” He told her “Guys can you please wait outside in the living room.” “Yeah, anything.” “If you need anything just say my name ill come for you.” She kisses my cheek. “Okay babe.” we close the door. I can hear him yelling at her. “good thing she coming with us” Niall said “someone should get her before things get to ugly.” Liam hurry so I knock the door “come in.” she says sadly “We have to get going we don’t want to be late.” “Okay Zayn” “bye Gavin. Nice meeting you.” “Bye guys.” she was sad I didn’t want to make things worse. “We’re going to get Carolina her phone and touch guys yes are free to do whatever touch want. Sorry Carolina you can’t leave the hotel room.” “Why not Paul.” Louis complying. “Safety reason Louis that why.” “That not fun.” Harry said. Well babe it will answered you then.” “I like that.” “What is she thinking about why is she so quite? Question after question going into my head. Paul got her and iPhone. “Here you go Carolina just one thing about the phone we all have a tracking devices. We have it for safety reason.” “Sound good.” “Don’t worry the only ones that can is me and the guy and the company but they won’t let no give out your tracking number not make sure that your brother doesn’t have your number or anyone that knows or talks to Lex got it.” “Why can’t I tell my brother?” “Because he is friends with Lex and knowing the kind of guy lex is he will get your information from your brother.” “Okay.” “The ones that can have it us 6 and your 2 cousin and her boyfriend and other celebrity.” “Other celebrity.” “Yeah silly you’re hanging with us now you’re going to be with more celebrity than just us.” harry making her day. We got to my hotel room she went to change the guys to were in the room with me.” so Zayn what on your mind.” “Well I’m worry about her. The 2 people that are close to her hurt her.” “What do you mean 2 people.” her brother and Adam.” “Everything going to be fine it will take time.” thanks Niall” I didn’t know how to feel I’m happy she was coming with us on tour and sad that 2people close to her hurt her. She came out of the bathroom. “Zayn can I go talk to Paul.” she looked worry again.” yeah babe let me call him I’ll take you.” “Thanks Zayn” “he said okay. Let’s go. We’ll be back guys.” I close the door. “what wrong Carolina.” “I have to do someone before tomorrow that all.” “Okay.” I was still confused why wouldn’t she tell me what wrong. “I’ll wait out here.” she goes inside and take one min.“Thanks Paul it means a lot I’ll ask them thank you.” She wanted to cry. “Babe wants wrong.” “I’ll tell you when were with the guys.” “Okay.” I kiss her forehead.” “Hey guy I was wonder if you guys will like to come with me to the cemetery today.” “But Paul said you can’t leave.” “I know that why I talked to him he said this is the only place I could go.” “Ill go babe.” holding her hand she smiled it was 3 in the afternoon she had on her pajamas. “Can someone would go inside and go bye flower please.” “I’ll go.” “Thanks harry.” “So Carolina, why do you want to go to the cemetery?” “I want to say goodbye before I go on tour with you guys.” who are tour saying good bye to babe.” “Well my godparents pass away and I want to say bye.” “Aww I’m sorry Carolina.” “That okay.” We were on our way she brought her laptops she was taking picture with Niall and harry.” Come on Zayn get in the picture.” She smiled she looks happy with the guys. “Okay” we toke picture before we knew it we were there. “Here we are guys.” “Carolina can I talked to you.” Liam toked her to the side and talked. I couldn’t hear that they were talking about.

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