Chapter 11

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“Carolina, do you think you will be fine staying here with Zayn.” “Yes Paul I’ll be fine.” “She in grate hands Paul.” “Okay Zayn better take good care of my daughter.” she hugged Paul. “I will. No one will hurt her.” “Okay good.” i hugged her. “Carolina I will be right back I’m going to put your things in my room.” “Thanks Zayn.”

I went to my room. I took some of her things and put them on the room. I saw her laptop. I opened it. I see that Adam wrote to her but she hasn’t reply back. He said “Hey I really miss you. Why don’t you leave that ass and come back with me.” Why is he even trying to talk to her? “I love him. Zayn a better guy than you’ll ever be.” I hear a knock on the door. “Who is it?” “It’s Liam can I come in.” I open the door. “Hey Carolina asking for you.” “Oh okay I’ll be right there.” “Paul doesn’t want you and Carolina doing it.” “What why?” “You know how Paul is.” “Who brought it up?” “Harry. I told him that I’ll keep an eye on you two.” “I had this night planed out.” “To late come on lets go down stairs.” Ugh I wanted this night to be special.

Liam and I came down. “Zayn did you put my things away.” “Only some of your things.” “Okay never mind. Paul will you take me.” What was going on? She was crying. “I’m coming with you Carolina.” “No Niall you don’t have to.” “I know but I want to.” Liam and I didn’t know what was going on. “Babe what’s wrong. Why are you crying?” “My cousin….” “Her cousin in the hospital and I’m going with her.” Niall answered. “I’m coming two babe.” I hugged her. “Zayn I’m going to get my laptop and my bag.” “No babe I’ll get it for you.” “Thank Zayn but I can go get it.” “No babe I’ll go.” I kissed her and left. I got her laptop and delete the message I sent to Adam. I gave her, her laptops and her bag.

Someone can up to us. “Carolina Zayn is it true that you to are married.” “No, we are not.” “Zayn than who did you married then.” this isn’t true. “I’m sorry but we are not married and he didn’t marry her so can you please leave us alone.” “Carolina, claim down, Please.” “I’m sorry Zayn.” “It’s fine, come on.” We got to our terminal. “Bye guys.” “Carolina please call me when you land. Guys don’t leave her alone. Take good care of my girl.” “Bye Dad. I will call you when we land” “We will take good care of her. I promise.”

We got to the plan. “Carolina do you think that Adam will be there.” “I don’t think so.” “Good, because I don’t want to hurt him.” “Claim down Niall and please don’t hurt him.” “I will hurt him if he hurts you.” “Okay that the only reason.” “Okay good.” Niall left Harry was sleeping. Zayn was still awake he was quite.

I didn’t say anything I was just listing to their conversation. “Zayn what wrong?” “Nothing wrong.” “You haven’t said a word since we left your house.” “I wanted our first day at my house to be special. Paul found out if we did he will get mad.” “You know how Paul is he just cares.” “I know.” I kissed her. I tough Harry was still sleeping. “Stop it love birds.” “Sorry Harry. I didn’t know you were Liam.” “I’m not, well what’s your cousin name.” “Erika.” “Really tell me more.” “NO Harry you interrupted my moment with Zayn.” I began to laugh. “Come on don’t be like that.” “Fine.” “Yes.”

They keep talking and I just can’t believe her cousin is in the hospital. I wanted this night to be special but it’s not. I fell asleep. I could hear her talking. I didn’t pay attention to what she was talking about.  “Guys wake up.”

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