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We are preparing for today's trip we are gonna free dragons from dragon hunters this is my last mission

"We wish you all the luck"Ribona said smiling jack and i mounted our dragons

"Thank you we will be back hopefully"I said then took off it was pretty early in the morning but if we want to get back to the girls early we have to leave early

"I really miss heather"Jack said i looked at him flying next to me i nodded

"I miss astrid also"I said

"Its crazy how you two became a couple and its amazing how she even talked to you after what you have done"He said i nodded now thinking back to what i did i fell really stupid but it was all that hate that made me do it

"I know i am happy that she loves me hopefully she will when we get back"I said joking then for the rest of the flight where just relaxing i wore my black armor suit i made it a couple years ago and only used it in this type of situation where i can die in a second

It was almost night time when we arrived at the island we it was quite easy to hide in the forest since we wore black armor and we had black dragons we blend in the shadows the are a lot of guards here and they are all armed

"So we should go that way and see"Jack said he just came down from a tree i nodded and we walked north toothless and stromblaster jack's monstrous nightmare have been left at the edge of the island so we won't get spotted in a second

Then i heard someone approaching jack did also we hide behind a huge rock we heard talking then the guards walked right past up i nodded to jack we ran up to then i drew inferno and pushed it in his back i covered his mouth incase he makes any noise jack killed the second by snapping his neck

We followed the way they came and when we spotted the cages we hide behind a rock in a bush i started to examine how can we free them it almost seamed impossible

"This is gonna be hard there is like 100 guards"Jack said i sighed he is right they captured very rare species dragons its probably worth more but since they are rare we have to save them

But all of the cages are with 4 guards each corner of the cages fuck! its a impossible mission but we have to

"Okay so there is the plan we go in and that's it"I said having not a good plan at all jack looked at me like i am crazy or something

"You know what we have trained we can beat them"He said i nodded last time we did something like that we almost got killed oh well

We ran in the guards took a second before one of them shouted

"DRAGON PRINCE"I guess i am popular they ran towards us i drew inferno and ran towards them slicing thru their armor like butter jack was having easy work

"JACK FREE THE DRAGONS I WILL DEAD WITH THE GUARDS"i yelled he nodded i ran towards the cages and stopped them from coming i called toothless by making an sos call i saw him in the sky and a second later he was growling at the guards who where slowly backing up

"Its better if you back up now"I said

"You don't know who you are messing with"One guard said i almost laughed

"You don't know who you are messing with"I said they looked in the sky then back to me

"Its to late now"They said then i was blacked out

Today is not my day i didn't sleep all night having nightmares of hiccup and then having bad news about heather she got sick i am currently in her house

"I want jack"She said in a weak voice i looked at her she was pale

"I know but 4 more days and they are back"I said trying to lighten up the mood but i made it worst because she started crying i sat down next to her and pulled her into a hug looks like i am not sleeping again


I slowly opened my eyes and then my brain kicked in and i sat up fast i found my self in a cage jack was next to me

"Finally you woke up i was getting worried"He said i looked at him my head was hurting

"What happened?"I asked i didn't remember anything i felt like i miss someone but didn't remember who is it i felt like crying what's wrong with m

"I don't know a dragon rider came from the sky and knocked you out when you was not paying attention then when i woke up i saw them pouring some thing in your mouth but i couldn't move to stop them because i was tied down then i woke up again and i was here"He explained i nodded and sat down on the floor

"And what have they poured into my mouth i fell okay my head is hurting a little"I said he nodded when we was about to speak the cage door opened we got up quickly i drew inferno it was at his place they didn't took our weapons we slowly walked out and i saw toothless tied down i ran to him

"Its okay toothless i will help just down move"I calmed him down and cutted the ropes from his body when he out he tackled me to the ground i laughed

"Bud bud"I said pushing him off me he stopped i got up and jack have freed his dragon some how

"We have to get out of here this mission is complete and i miss heather"I nodded then again that pain came back

We slowly walked out the door and we where outside again to the same spot where we got caught this is very strange something is very wrong

"Something is up"I said i heard jack gasp behind me i looked at him he had a bottle in his hands

"It says "forgot" on the bottle this is the same that they poured into your mouth"Jack said i nodded still confused

"Maybe this is like a potion that makes you forget people but it seems like its not working since you know me and toothless"He said

"Yea i didn't forgot anything but...i fell like i am missing someone i don't know"I said

"Maybe its just astrid we should get going we are pretty far from home"He said i looked at him confused who is Astrid?

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