chapter 1

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Angie's pov
-mommy wake up its my birthday!
I chuckled because of how excited Melody was for her 5th birthday
-ok my little munchkin happy birthday
-yay thanks mommy what are we doing today?
-whatever you want but do you want pancakes?
-yes please
-ok let's go
I picked her up and I walked into the kitchen with her. I placed her on the counter top and start cooking she reminded me so much of vilu when she was younger. And she has Germans eyes so whenever I look into them I see German's gorgeous chocolaty brown eyes, ahhhhh his smile his laugh......ANGIE STOP! You need to forget him yet I wish I could go see him and have his arms wrapped around me. I only left because I was scared cause I didn't know if he wanted it.......wanted Melody
-mommy how much more longerrrrr
She pulled me away from my thoughts when I realized they were ready
-there ready come on

Germans pov
I have been working all day but I couldn't consntrate as all I could think about was Angie. How could she leave? she had to have a good reason to right? I still love her yet she left I'll  never find her. I banged my clenched fist against the wall.
-dad u ok
-ya ya I'm fine
-ok dinners ready
-give me five minutes

Violetta's pov

Dad hasn't been him self ever since Angie left I miss her so much but things happen for a reason. I'm not angry at her nor is my dad we just want her back.
-hello vilu
-hi dad hungry?
-yes very and you?
- same
And then Olga bought out dinner
-dinner is served
-thanks Olga

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