~ Chapter 7 ~

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Taichi covered his ears with his hands, attempting to block out the horrific screeching of present mic that awoke him. He sat amongst his duvet on his new bed in the U.A dorms.

He grimaced to himself remembering that this was now where he was to stay.

Thanks a lot principal.

As if he couldn't look after himself.

Heck. His uncle was so occupied with work that Taichi spent most time by himself anyways when he was younger.

He got up and showered, readying himself for the already long list of homework that he had been given.

U.A wasn't joking around when it came to work.

After slipping on some jogging bottoms and a simple grey tee, Taichi staggered out of his room to the kitchen area that Nezu had shown him the day before. His hair was still a mess of black locks on his head that all sunk to one side.

" You look deeeaaaaaad kid! "

Present Mic yelled from behind him, at an ungodly level of loudness for the time of the morning.

" Thanks, "

He grumbled in return.

" Oh come oooon, "

The pro moaned,

" It's only been one week dude. You can't be burnt out already. "

This 'sharing with the teachers' thing wasn't going very smoothly for Taichi. Every second he could feel his anger swelling up inside of him. But he suppressed it.

He sat with present mic in the kitchen space, eating a bowl of cereal while the pro drank some orange juice and was telling Taichi about his latest mission.

" Yeah dude, so then I was like yooooo and totally nullified those thugs. It was well cooool! "

" Shut up Yamada, "

A tired voice called from behind the pair.

Taichi looked back to see a dishevelled man with long, tangled hair to his shoulders and eye bags that were darker than those Taichi had ever seen.

The man gave Taichi a cold look after he caught him staring and collapsed on to a chair next to present mic.

Taichi continued to munch on his cereal as the trio sat in silence awkwardly.

Present mic tried to break it.

" So Aizawa, you met Taichi yet? He's a first year. Don't you teach them? "

The mess of a man answered solemnly,

" No, I teach 1-A. I don't teach that boy, and if the principal found it necessary to house him here then I presume he is in the hero course. That means he is class 1-B, Yamada. "

The blonde shrunk back into his seat slightly.

" Woah Shouta, calm it down slightly. No need to get so moody."

He turned to Taichi and whispered,

" He's not a morning person."

" I heard that mic,"

The hobo growled.

Taichi gulped, finishing off his bowl of cereal but not really wanting to move just yet and draw attention to himself. So they sat there again in silence, until Taichi decided to do something and spoke as politely as possible.

" Umm, Mr. Aizawa sir, please don't mind me asking but what is your pro hero name. I don't seem to recognise you from the news."

The man huffed, rolled his eyes and answered,

" It's Eraserhead, kid. I don't like the media so that's why you don't see me on the news often. I'm more of an underground hero. "

Taichi recognised that name.

" Oh you're the one who can erase people's quirks! "

He excitedly added, realising immediately after how he sounded and started to blush.

" Stop fan-boying just because you know my quirk. It's annoying. "

Taichi looked down at the empty bowl infront of him, deeply embarrassed.

Present mic spoke up at this,

" Yo, Aizawa. Chill, cut him some slack sometime. Kay? Kobayashi did just move here. "

" Kobayashi? "

Eraserhead questioned, sitting up  with the slight bit of interest in his voice.

" Yeah,"

Present mic started,

" This is miss Kobayashi's son. "

Aizawa stared at Taichi for a while, cocking his head to one side as he studied his features and stood up to walk over to where Taichi was sitting.

" Show me your arms."

He commanded.

Reluctantly Taichi brought his arms up from under the table to show Eraserhead.

Be stared at them, looking closely at the piping for a bit before sitting back down. He kept glancing back at Taichi.

" W...wait. You knew my mum? "

The young student inquired.

Present mic nodded.

" She was our teacher for our bit, and our mentor too, after we graduated U.A."

Nezu was right, Taichi's mum kept surprising him.


Sorry to cut this one short, but it's late for me. I won't be posting anything for a few days because I'm going away. But stay tuned. There will be more!

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