~ Chapter 4 ~

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The train ride home seemed like a long one. Taichi spent the whole journey contemplating whether or not he was going to tell his Uncle that he had gotten zero points.

He guessed that he had passed the written exam but they wouldn't let in someone who could barely keep hold of a balloon for 20 minutes, let alone hold up in a fight against villains.

Taichi scrolled through his phone at the news articles.

Lately he had been becoming more interested in heroes, like when he was a little boy.

He didn't fawn over them but in seeing them Taichi had some hope that one day he too could be a hero. Even if the chances were slim.

Well, he couldn't be a successful hero now.  U.A almost guaranteed success in the hero society, so unless he studied elsewhere, how would he be a hero?

Most of the other schools that offered a hero course we're only for those with the most powerful quirks or those whose parents were pro heroes.

Why should they let in a boy who just had some metal piping on his arms.

Taichi thought back to the boy with black hair who had stolen his balloons. His fists clenched in rage.

Stealing was pure villainy.

Once the two hour train ride was over and Taichi had walked from the station to the monastery ,he found his Uncle Shigeru meditating in the garden out front.

Taichi attempted to creep around him, not wanting to disturb the head monk but failed to do so.

" Taichi, "

He called out.

" You're back ? How was it? "

Taichi didn't bother to even look at his Uncle he was so ashamed with himself. He just carried on walking and replied.

" Fine, I'm tired and going to bed now. Good night. "

" Well okay then, goodnight."

Taichi collapsed on his bed. His head was throbbing in agony and he replayed the practical exam over and over again in his head.

He face-palmed in frustration.

" I'm such an idiot. "

He groaned to himself.

What hero couldn't even look after himself. Well, he guessed, he better just forget about it and carry on with his normal life.

And with that, Taichi fell asleep.

A few weeks passed and Taichi carried on with life.

He attended the last week of school, before the summer holidays, every student was staying in the town, and going to the local high school.

No one knew that Taichi had taken the U.A entrance exam. Everyone accepted the fact that everybody in the village went to the local school.

Taichi hadn't put in his form to attend the local school yet. He still waited for his letter from U.A, to confirm what had happened. Although he knew it would say that he didn't get in.

He spent his spare time practicing in the dojo. That brief fight with the boy in the bathrooms spurred him on to try and control his quirk more.

As the seasons changed, the day came when Taichi got his letter.

Monk Haruto gave it to him when he returned from training.

His uncle was out with the other head monks from the prefecture to talk about the future of the temples in Yamanshi.

Taichi thanked the bald man and took it to his room.

Sitting on his bed, he slowly slipped open the letter with his finger, breaking the wax seal on it.

But instead of a sheet of paper in the envelope, there was a circular disc.

Taichi took it out, and looked at it closer when it suddenly started to buzz in his hand.

He dropped out of shock as a square screen was projected from it.

A hologram?

It depicted the principal, of whom Taichi had heard about before.

The little mouse, bear thing spoke in a quiet squeak.

" It is my pleasure to announce that you, Taichi Kobayashi have been accepted into UA's hero course."

" What?! "

Taichi exclaimed, was this animal joking.

" As you may already know, you got zero points in the practical exam."

Oh, he does know, Taichi thought.

" But we took into account another factor. Rescue points. Of which you have 55 of for protecting a girl from an attacker and realising the wrong of stealing. Welcome to U.A academy Kobayashi, it is a pleasure to have you."

Then, the hologram fuzzed out of focus and turned off.

" I...I ... "

Taichi could hardly believe it.

He had gotten into U.A.

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