Chapter 4

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Lilac's POV:

Not long after Amy told me about her escape, someone came to collect her. She gave me one last hug and went with the man. I fell asleep on the uncomfortable bed, to be awoken a while later by someone shaking me.

"Get up. You need to prepare." A cold voice said and I rolled onto my back. In front of me was the man who spent the night torturing me. I instinctively backed away into the furthest corner, and he howled with laughter.

"Relax, I'm not going to hurt you," he chuckled. He wasn't going to hurt me yet. "Now put on the dress that's on your bed, we have a party to attend tonight," he commanded, and left the room. I mentally laughed, as if he really believed I was going to dress for him like a puppet. But then I got a painful reminder of my scars, and decided to wear his dress. It was a low cut dress with bright red sequences, the same shade as the stupid collar. Next to the dress was a pair of red high heels, and some makeup. I put on the dress and shoes, but left the make up. When Amy got back, she stared at me in shock.

"Why are you wearing that?" She asked.

"The son of a bitch told me that 'we have to attend a party tonight' and I need to wear this ugly dress," I replied in anger.

"Really? I need to go to some party too," Amy said in shock, but before I could reply the door opened and my 'owner' came in.

"Before we go to the party," he said, eyeing the set of makeup I didn't use, "I need to give you a leash."

"A what now?" I replied in confusion. He took out of his pocket a 'leash' and attached it to a hook on my collar.

"Now, let's go!" He exclaimed, pulling on the leash.

Amy's POV:

I watched silently as Lilac's 'owner' took her out of the room. I nervously awaited my 'owner', and nearly jumped out of my skin when I saw the door handle turn. He walked in, and threw a white dress, similar to Lilac's, onto my bed, followed by a pair of high heels. He stepped out of the room, and I quickly got dressed.

We went downstairs to a big hall, where there were lots of men possessively holding onto young women. The room was filled with music and laughter, but I stopped and looked for Lilac's distinctive red dress, but I couldn't see her anywhere.

"Walk," he growled, and I quickly followed him into the centre of the room, where there were black and white leather armchairs all facing each other. The men sitting in them were laughing and joking around, stroking the women who sat on the floor next to their seats obediently. Nearly every seat was taken, except for one. Kevin sat down and gestured for me to do the same. After sitting down on the cold floor, I looked at the other men in the armchairs. There was a blond haired man with green eyes, grey haired man with blue eyes, brown haired man with brown eyes and a black haired man with silver eyes. As I looked at the girl sitting next to the black haired man, I realised it was Lilac. The man had tied her chain to the foot of his armchair, and she was desperately pulling on it, trying to undo the knot.

"Hey Kevin. I see you got your bitch back," Lilac's owner laughed, followed by the other people's laughter. I pressed myself against the side of Kevin's armchair, silently begging it to swallow me whole.

"Hi Daniel. Had to pay off Mason and his gang to find her. Although I was surprised when I heard they took her friend too," he chuckled, obviously enjoying himself. I looked at Lilac, and we both exchanged worried glances.

"Yeah, that's my one. Did you punish yours yet for escaping?" Daniel nodded at me.

"Nah mate, she's too young!" He laughed and pet me, making me shudder.

"Your too soft. When mine tried to escape, I hung her up and gave her the electric collar!" Daniel roared with laughter, as if it were some kind of joke. Kevin just shrugged, and they changed the topic.

Lilac's POV:

I continued to fiddle with the leash, anger suffocating me. How dare they treat us like dogs? They have no right to keep us here. Finally, I managed to undo the knot, and gestured with my head to the left at Amy. She nodded, and we both crawled away slowly from the group. We met in a dark corner of the room by the drink station.

"We are busting out of here. Tonight." I whispered to Amy.

"What if they notice we're gone?" Amy whispered back.

"We will be long gone by then. On my way down here I spotted a room filled with keys, including car keys." I whispered back in assurance, and Amy nodded.

"Ok, lead the way."

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