Ch. 2

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Lisa is waiting for Jisoo outside. It's been 2 weeks since they become friends. And now they are comfortable with each others company. Lisa is still the same with other people but when she's with Jisoo she's showing her the real her. She's comfortable with her so why not. And Jisoo is kind, adorable, funny. It's hard for Lisa to ignore that

"Hey Limario" She greeted and kiss lisa's cheek. Yeah she always does that because why not. Lisa loves it anyway. "How long have you been there?"

"Not important. Give me your books" After she said that she snatch it from Jisoo

"Yah! Why did you asked me when you..."

"Because I don't want you to carry all these books. Now come and sit with us in the cafeteria" Jisoo rolled her eyes playfully

"No I'm sitting with my sister and friends" Lisa look at her and smile

"You know they can sit with us if they want. Please Jisoonie?" She pouted. Again she pushed lisa's face

"Ugh! Stop pouting" 'I might kiss you' She said at the back of her mind

"It's okay chikin. You can kiss me" She chuckled. Jisoo slap the arm playfully. When they reach their table.

"Hi girls" Jisoo said. Lisa just waved and give them a small smile

"Is Lisa sitting with us?" Yeri asked happily


"Actually no, you're sitting with us. I mean if it's okay with you?" The three jaws dropped while Jennie just rolled her eyes

"Y-yeah sure why not" They all got up again except for Jennie

"Jennie-yah let's go" She frowned and follow her friends. They went to Lisa's table.

"Uhm guys, I invited the girls to sit with us. So uhm, girls this is Seulgi my bestfriend, Kook, Bambam, and my twin brother Taehyung. Guys this is, Irene, Yeri, Joy and Jennie Jisoo's sister" They already know Jisoo since they've been hangout together lately. They all bowed

"Chu you didn't mention you have a beautiful friends" Seulgi said smiling

"Like me?" Jisoo jokes

"Yes like you" Lisa winked at her

"Okay. I'm complimenting these girls and there you are Lisa flirting with Jisoo" Seulgi rolled her eyes playfully

"I'm not flirting I'm just telling the truth" She throw a tissue to Seulgi's face

"What..." Tae cut her off

"Sis order for us please? Jisoo will come with you" Tae pouted at her sister

"Don't give me that face. It won't work but yeah sure. Only because Jisoo is coming with me" She looks at Jisoo who's now blushing

"Y-yah!" They all laughed because of Jisoo's reaction. They both got up and went straight to the counter

"They look good together, aren't they?" Kook asks while looking at the two smiling happily with each others company

"Right. I've never seen her like that again" Bambam added

"I don't know if I would be grateful that Jisoo fell down that time..." He cuts off when she heard the four laughing

"What?" Tae asks confusingly

"N-nothing" They laughed loudly making the four looked even more confused

"I know girls are really confusing, but mind tell us what's funny?" Kook asks rolling his eyes playfully.

"That's her plan. To catch Lisa's attention. She didn't fail, she got her attention. She got what she wants." Irene answers as the four eyes widened in surprised

"So you mean, Jisoo unnie like my twin?" Tae asks happily

"Yeah. A lot" Wendy answered. The boys smirks even suelgi.

On the other hand, Lisa and Jisoo

"Jisoonie, do you have plans this..uhm saturday?" She asks shyly as she scratch her nape. Jisoo smiled

"Are you asking me out Manoban?" She teasingly asks while wiggling her eyebrows.

"Something like that" Lisa winked "Would you go on a date me?" Lisa raised her eyebrows while smiling as Jisoo chuckled and shrugged

"It depends" She winks and left Lisa in the counter but she followed after

"Okay. I will ask your sister then" Jisoo eyes widened

"Don't you dare Lisa" She warned

"What? I want her approaval, as if I will ask her to date me" Lisa rolled her eyes playfully. Jisoo can't help but to smile

"Is that so?" Lisa nodded "Good. Cause I don't share what's mine" She whispered but Lisa heard it just pretend she didn't heard Jisoo

"Unnie what did you say to make my twin smile like that? She's creeping me out" Tae teased her Twin. Then Jisoo turned her head to meet Lisa's face as she put down the tray

"Tae you're talking too much. Go grab you own tray. I forgot" Lisa said sarcasticly but it's true she forgot to bring their tray

"What the heck? You forgot our tray but you didn't forgot to flirt?" Lisa rolled her eyes

"I only have a long arms not eight arms idiot" They all laughed except for Tae and Lisa who's glaring at each other

"Tae get the tray I'm starving" Kook said

"Did you heard your boyfriend? Go get it lazyass" Tae can't help but to smile. Not because of Kook but because of her twin. He missed arguing with her sister like this. And she missed her talking too much. Being talkative. Jisoo's impact is different he thought. He went to the counter and get his ass back on their table

Tae is really happy to see the old Lisa right now. Yes Lisa is talking to him but in a cold way. The old lisa is sweet, funny, caring, loud and annoying.

"Unnie, are you dating my twin?" He blurted out. Jisoo choked. Lisa immediately gave her drink to Jisoo

"Are you okay?" She asks worriedly rubbing Jisoo's back

"Yes thank you" Jisoo smiled. Lisa face his twin brother

"To answer your question, No we're not dating" She rolled her eyes. Jisoo felt sad "YET. Soon Tae soon" She smiled to Jisoo who's now blushing

"Yah!" Lisa chuckled at her reaction

"Why you don't want to date me?" She acted like she's hurt

"Whatever Limario. Just eat and shut up"

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