Chapter 7~ Into the lion's den

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~Sorry I haven't updated lately I've been every busy. But I will try to update lots. Maybe once every 2 days? I don't know. Hope you like this chapter!~

There were guards EVERYWHERE. Simply EVERYWHERE. We had made it to the top of the mountain after one and a half more days of climbing. I was currently perched, invisible on a charcoal branch trying not to breathe to much or move. I gazed around slowly ignoring the charcoal clinging onto my shirt. All the elven warriors were cover in armour, armed and looked like they didn't need a weapon to kill any thing in their path. Though there was one spot that had me a spark of hopeful, a small slit in the mountain that would have enough coverage to get over the side. But it would be risky. I would have to be quick and quiet, something that you can't do both at the same time when jumping over a ledge and into a volcano. I gazed down to were Rayla, Callum and Zym were which was in a small cave that Callum found, eating some moon berries. I had memorised the guards rotations so that we could find a time to sneak in with out drawing to much attention. I stretched quietly and hopped down back behind a rock, dusting off all the charcoal and climbed back to the cave.

I walked in stretching my wings and popping back so I was visible, scaring the moon out of Rayla who screamed making me tackle her so that the guards didn't hear her. "Sshhhuuuuuuuuuuuussshh! Do you want us to get caught?" I whispered-shouted at her, releasing her from my grip looking up at Callum who was going to hit me with lightning but saw me and didn't. Which is good. "Sorry if I scared you" I said softy, helping Rayla up. "You need to stop doing that!" Rayla scowled prodding me in the chest. "Any luck Summer?" Callum asked who sat back down and tossed a moon berry at Zym. "Well I have found this slit that is the best shot so far. But it will be risky." I answered, walking over and ate an berry. It was sweet and fresh like a raspberry cross with a melon or something. "Well that's not surprising. Everything we have done is risky" Callum laughed. I smiled. He picked his sketch book back up and continued to draw. 

"What you 'drawing?" I asked sneaky, inching up to him. "Hmm?" he replied looking up to see me quickly snatch the book and dance away with it. "SUMMER!!! GIVE THAT BACK!!!!!" He howled jumping at me and I quickly dodge him, jumping on top of him and sat on him turning into a sun-serpent. "What do we have here?" I asked smugly, beckoning Rayla over who had raised both eyebrows at me. I flipped through completely shocked by what I saw. "Callum these are amazing" I said quietly, flipping through. There were landscapes of all types and people like his mum, dad, brother, bait, Claudia and Soren, and Rayla. Rayla gasped when she saw this looking down at Callum who was embarrassed and squished under me. I turn the next page and there was me! Then Rayla. Me again. Landscape. And then me and Rayla and then that was it.

I got off Callum and he quickly snatched the book out of my hands completely red form embarrassment. "Why did you do that?!?!" He cried and I smiled, "Because I was curious" I said silky, batting my eyelashes. He frowned at me. I smiled and then he eventually smiled back. "I'm not joking Callum those picture are amazing." I said walking up to Rayla who nodded. Callum smile grew quickly, "Really?" I nodded and then looked back out side. The sun was setting. "We should go to sleep." I said pushing the twisted feeling away, "We will be meeting the Queen of the Dragons tomorrow. Better not be tired." I said looking at my friends. Zym squawked flapping his wings and pawed my leg softly. I smiled. But I felt worried and scared. Tomorrow everything is going to change. Everything.

Me, Rayla, Callum and Zym were all ready to meet the Queen. I sat out side fidgeting watching the sky. This was it. I've come so far. Living with the elf's, being found by Ezran, following Rayla and Callum, exposing myself to saving them and...... and now we were here. I shifted. I knew that Callum said that he would be more then happy to take me in but.... I don't know what I would do with my life. I sighed shoving my head in between my legs, closing my eyes trying to think things through. "You ready Summer?" asked Callum as he walked out of the cave, Zym in hand. I looked up and smiled trying to hide the worry and fear. "Yep" I said, getting up and stretching and smiled truly. Rayla came out and I turned into a sun-serpent, lending my wing to help them up onto my back. We climbed up to the slit quietly, it was late afternoon a time that I thought that there was less guards. I peeked over the edge checking the guards, turning invisible and then sprang over the edge trying not to make any noise, slightly flaring my wings. I twisted, twirling, swirling down. I landed with a thud on the ground, looking around nervously. We were in the lion's den.

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