The tension is palpable in the air as our eyes connect, hands still interlocked, neither one of us daring to let go first. There's no doubt in my mind that I would have a crush on the man standing in front me, if only his personality wouldn't get in the way.

Feeling uneasy that my thoughts were running a little too wild, I'm the first one to pull away. I watch a flash of emotion appear on his face that I can't quite discern before he motions to the door of the room with his hand. 

"After you." He huffs out, avoiding eye contact with me and keeping his gaze trained on the door.

We walk out of the filing room together, me having a hard time keeping up with his fast pace.

Do all CEO's walk this fast?

"Do I need to change?" I ask him as we walk. "This is a formal dinner party, isn't it?"

I look down at my black pencil skirt and white blouse.

"What you're wearing is fine," He comments, stopping as we get to the elevator. "You'd look nice either way."

His compliment takes me off guard, and I shake off the feeling of butterflies in my stomach as we both get in the elevator together.

The ride down to the first floor is awkwardly silent, and I glance over to him subtly. He doesn't look like he'd be a CEO at first. He's much too young.

Wait, how old is he anyway?

His black hair had gotten somewhat ruffled, and his profile was gorgeous. I watch his Adam's apple bob as he swallows, keeping his hands in his suit pockets. The coffee stain was barely noticeable, and even his white shirt underneath was clean.

Why'd he pitch a fit this morning if you can't even tell that it's ruined?

"You're staring an awful lot," He turns to look down at me. "Are you having second thoughts about being my date?"

"No!" I shake my head. "It's just that I'm curious about something, that's all."

"Like what?" He turns his body towards me. "Ask away."

"Oh, um," I bite my bottom lip. "How old are you... Mr. Jeon?"

"Twenty three," He answers as if he expected me to ask that particular question. "Anything else?"

"What about that suit?" I start, pointing my finger at his chest. "It looks fine now, so why'd you make such a big fuss about it this morning?"

He laughs, genuinely laughs, and smiles down at me, showcasing cute bunny teeth that I hadn't noticed until now. He crosses his arms over his chest and puts his weight on his left foot.

"This is a new suit," He informs, keeping his stare on me. "The other is currently at the dry cleaners. I do hope that you won't ruin this one, because I wouldn't want to add onto your three-thousand dollar debt."

I grit my teeth and face the front.

Arrogant rich boy.

The elevator dings and we both walk out. The office is empty and quiet, a contrast of how it was this morning.

We go out the main doors, and see a black car waiting on us. The footman is holding the door open, and he bows as he sees us coming in his direction.

"Good evening, CEO Jeon," He greets us. I give a slight bow back, before I get in the car after Mr. Jeon.

We sit beside each other in the backseat, and I reach up to take my hair out of the ponytail.

"What are you doing?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

Yes Sir, Mr. Jeon (BTS Jungkook)Where stories live. Discover now