Chapter 11 ~ Broken Hearted

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Brooklyn's POV

After finding some bedding I made up the couch with a sheet and blanket. I then went to check on Casey before hopping into bed. Laying there I could not sleep to save my life I just kept imagining those divorce papers on the table. It then all added up, that's why he was so agitated during the shift and why he drank so much tonight. Finally understanding the circumstances, I went to sleep.

Casey's POV

I don't really know what time it was but I all of a sudden shot up sprinting to the bathroom. Pulling up the toilet seat and throwing up. I then feel a hand rubbing small circles on my back. At first, I thought it was Gabby but then remembered that Gabby left. With that, I broke down in tears.

"Shhh. It's going to be ok." I head a female voice say.

I then leaned over and threw up again. Then I struggled to breathe.

"Hey. Hey, calm down just take nice deep breaths. In and out, in and out." She told me

I did as she said and was able to stabilise my breathing.

"There you go. you're ok" she reassured me.

I still couldn't figure out who it was. Then sitting back from the toilet against the wall I saw who it was. Those blue-green eyes and her ash blue hair. Although this time it was tied up into a messy bun on the top of her head. She gave me a soft smile.

"You OK now?" she asked me.

"Yeah, I'm ok now," I answered back with a small nod.

"Come on let's get you back to bed." She told me.

Getting up off the ground she helped me to the basin and rinse my mouth out. We then walked out to the bedroom where she helped me lay down.

"I'm going to get you some water and a bucket. Ok?"

I gave her a small nod and laid my head down on my pillow. As she walked out of the room. Walking back in a few minutes later with a bucket and a glass of water. she placed the glass on my bedside table and the bucket on the ground next to me. She then went into my bathroom and I heard the toilet flush and the sink tape turns on. She then walks out a couple of minutes later turning the lights off. All of a sudden, I had a flashback to when Gabby would do this. I remember I just got told my mum was being released from prison and that night I had drunk myself completely over and Gabby had taken care of me.

She walked over to me.

"I'm just outside on the couch if you need anything just let me know. OK?" she says to me.

"Can you stay here?" I ask her

"Like in bed with you?" she asked me back

"Please. I just need someone here with me." I said to her

She gave a weak nod and climbed into the other side of the bed. I rolled over and laid my head on her chest and fell asleep listening to the steady beat of her heart.    

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