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Once upon a time, in a land far far away —

Ha. No. This ain't gonna be one of those books. If you're looking for a lovely novel to read when relaxing, the exit button is right over there. But, now you're curious, aren't you? Why should one avoid this little piece of original literature?  Well, I'm glad you asked. Not saying ya should just skip out on me completely here, so listen up! Or read up...? Eh. same difference. If you are looking for a quiet read or a relaxing read or anything that helps you remotely, this thing ain't for you.

HOWEVER, if you're like me and love torturing yourself and making your heart break into six billion pieces, this book will be for you. I will try my best to make you go on the emotional roller coaster of falling in love with the main character, falling in love with the ship and supporting characters, falling off the edge of your chair from cliffhangers, and all that "fun" stuff. Death, misery, and heartache await you, so here's your second chance to leave.






You still here? Well then, hope you're prepared to jump in the deep end. Cuz that's what we're doin'.

Note: to be fair, I'm not sure the difference between a foreword, a preface, and an introduction, but I'm certainly not writing a prologue, so yEEt. Ah... I'm quite undead. What am I doing with my life...

2nd Note: there's V's aesthetic for ya.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2021 ⏰

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