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   For a moment, just a moment, Nicole thought about Dylan. She didn't know why she thought about the man that ruined her life. Maybe it was the fact that Rick just killed two men, who could have easily put their lives in jeopardy.

   Nicole thought about placing the barrel of a gun to Dylan's head and pulling the trigger. She thought about brutally slashing his throat and watching him bleed out in front of her. It scared her to think of that. She never wanted to kill anyone. But she knew. That in this world, one day, she'd have to.

   Everyone stepped closer to Tony's dead body and watched as his blood spread across the floorboards. Glenn was in shock. So were Hershel and Nicole. "Nicole, you all right?" Rick's voice questioned after he checked on the other two.

   Nicole's green eyes met Rick's blue ones. She nodded, pulling her bat to her chest. "Let's go home," she spoke. Rick nodded, before bending down to Tony and searching him. Nicole slowly made her way around the bar, making sure to not step on Dave's body.

   She noticed the bullet hole through his forehead and mentally thanked Rick for being a good shot. Nicole bent down not putting a lot of weight onto her ankle, which started to throb a little. Nicole grabbed Dave's gun and checked for any extra bullets. She didn't find any.

   Nicole felt Glenn's hand on her back and he helped her up. "Thank you," she whispered. Glenn gave a tender smile before the two began walking toward the door. That's when headlights swung through the windows. Everyone ducked and huddled by the entrance.

   The vehicle drove past, parking in front of Hatlin's. "Shit," Nicole whispered to herself as doors opened and shut. She tensed when she heard the engine sputter off. Nicole's grip on her baseball bat tightened when voices started.

   "Dave? Tony? They said over here?"
   "I'm telling you, man, I heard shots."

   Nicole slammed her eyes shut in frustration, leaning her head back against the wood. When she opened then, she peered over to Rick, who had a worried look on his face.

   "I saw roamers two streets over. Might be more around here."
   "It's hot. We gotta get outta here."
   "Dave! Tony!"
   "Shut up, you idiot! You wanna attract 'em? Just stick close. We're gonna find 'em."

   Floorboards creaked from the porch as Nicole pulled out Dave's gun with her right hand. In a few seconds, she checked the amount of ammo and put the clip back in. She watched as one of the men's shadows cast through the dusty, glass door.

   "Dude, he said to stay close."

   The four of them sat in silence, waiting for a sign that it was clear. Everyone shared nervous looks, as if they may not get out of this. Nicole warily looked through the fabric that covered the windows. The others followed suit.

   When Nicole pulled herself away, she met Rick's eyes. He held a sense of determination and anger, as well as fear, in them. Rick broke eye contact and stood up to get a better view. He then bent down and crouched over to the other two men. Nicole would have done that, but she feared that her ankle couldn't handle the pressure.

   The men stood up and Rick motioned for Nicole to follow. She began to get up, but then, shots fired and everyone dropped back down. "Shit," Nicole whispered, hearing the click in her ankle from the sudden jolt down.

   "What happened?"
   "Roamers. I nailed them."
   "They disappeared but their car's still there."
   "I cleared those buildings. You guys get this one?"

𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃  |  𝐭𝐰𝐝 ¹Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora