5*Oh My Gross

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Tyral POV
I saw the man who been on my mind for days holding my mom against her desk while moving his body towards her back in a speeding motion biting his lips in a death grip. Sweat was glistening off her as her short hair kept getting in her  face. You know when you see something but don't believe it's actually happen even though you're witnessing it for yourself.  Well that's what I did.  I step out and shut the door lightly then reopen it to see if I was seeing it right.  Yup,  my mom is cheating on my dad with my crush.  Unknown to me words that would make a nun shake her head spell from my mouth.  Mom didn't hear me but 'the beast' somehow did cause he turned towards me.  Locking eyes with me he pull something out of my mom and release something white on my mom with a groan.  Once he was finish he step away from her like he just didn't do the nasty with my mom. 
"Wow. You was better than the time we did it in the bathroom. " Mom said while pulling her underwear back up still haven't notice I was there.
"Let's just say I finally found something that inspired me. " He said causing mom to chuckled.
"This is our last time cause I am a married woman.  And I have enough problems on my hands" Mom said putting her heels back on while me,  on the other hand to speechless to speak.
"Problems?  Like what? "
He asked her.
"Like telling Tyral that she's a witc- honey,  hey! " Mom suddenly noticed me standing in the doorway speechless.
"I'm a what? "
I ask confused as I felt a little sadden that mom screwed my crush.  I really thought we had a connection.
"Nothing. How long were you standing there?"
She avoided my question by asking one of her own.
"Mom?  Who is he to you? "
I asked feeling my heart cracking piece by piece.
"Let's just say your mom work for me"
He spoke up before mom could. 
"Wait,  are you saying you are my mom pimp?  I asked confused making him chuckled in the process.
" What?  No?  Honey,  of course not"
Mom said.
"Do you even love dad? "
I asked upset that while dad was taking care of us she was screwing some guy.  I want to be happy but knowing it was my crush she was doing it with was unsettling.
"Your father cheating on me with four to five women! "
Mom shouted out as if to justify her acting.
"So you got even by doing the same thing? " I asked still confused and disguised.
"No!  I was... I was lonely. "
My heart finally broke but instead of crying out or sobbing I hold it together and place a broken smile on my face.
"Why? "
I nod my head as of it would knock some sense into the situation.
"I got tired of being the housewife.   I wanted to feel something.  He... He makes me feel alive. " I couldn't hold the tears in anymore as one by one slide on my cheeks.
"He's your lover? "
I asked.
"I guess"
She said making me drop my stuff on the floor and rush out the office.
'What am I suppose to tell dad'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2019 ⏰

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