3*At least i'll die happy

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Tyral POV
"If I tell you then I'll have to kill you
He had said with that smirk on his face as he pulled a gun from out of his pants pocket and aim it at me. By now the song changed to 'Back to You' by Selena Gomez fitting the mood perfectly. I don't know why but I wasn't scared of dying if anything it was how I was going to die that scared me the most. So why wasn't I freaking out when a strange guy who I barely know is literally holding a loaded gun at me? It anything I felt save in his present as if this is where I belong. So as calmly as possible I responded with
" If I die, I'll die a happy girl"
I told him honestly with a innocent look in my eyes. I probably might not live to grow up and have a family, with a big house and a funny husband but I was thankful for the little time I spent on earth plus meeting this handsome man. He gave out a short Huff and said
"Let me ask you some little flower"
He said while looking me dead in the eye aiming the gun between my eyes. I nod my head as a sign to continue.
"Would you die for me? "
He asked quoting the suicide movie with a mischief glint in his eyes. I debating on how should I answer the question. On one hand my heart was saying yes if it makes him happy then I'll gladly take a bullet for him. While on the other hand my brain was telling me to say no because we didn't know him well enough to risk out life and also he kind of threaten to take my fifteen years of living away from me. Seeing how I wasn't gonna answer him right away he start making a 'tsk' sound with his mouth while shaking his head.
"Oh Tyral. You stupid, naive Tyral. Don't know what to do in these type of situation. " He stated in a matter of fact tone.
I said out of the blue shocking him in the process but he doesn't show it on his face but his eyes widen as proof.
"Yes? "
He asked me.
"Yes, I'll die for you"
I said with glee in my voice like it was the happiest thing to happen to me if it happens.
"You may think you'll do it. But you're not ready for that life" He told me as if he was talking to a child.
"How would you know? "
I said in the most stubborn tone I could mastered. He laugh out loud at me as if I just told the world funniest joke ever. He put his gun back up and drop down to his knees so he was almost face to face with me.
"Cause, babygirl the world in your eyes is unicorns a d rainbow to you. While if you take your happy princess lil' ass outside and come to my part of the streets you would see that instead of gold at the end of a rainbow like it seem in movies. It gonna be like a dead unicorn on the street be going torn to pieces by birds or some shit. " He stated with a knowing look while talking down on me. I pouted at him. I could survive the street life. I'm not all high and mighty.
Silencing me with a peck to the fore head like a mother does to her child.
"Babygirl, you ain't ready for what goes on behind these walls. " He said then he left out of my room like a smooth criminal.

Mated to my mom's lover(On Hold)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat