4*What the fudge

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Tyral pov
Today would have been a school day if it wasn't for our spring break. Which is why I'm in the kitchen  making two sandwiches for my mom since she taking dad job while he see about us.  Somehow they made an argument of some sort.
"You really to go sweetheart"
He asked me while coming down from the stairs.  My siblings at my aunt Annie house spending time with her and cousin Sadie since it been awhile since we seen them.  I was going to go but I want to do something sweet for mom as a thanks for everything she does for us.
I grab two bags of chips,  a can of fruit cocktail and a bottle of orange soda. 
"Um,  do you think... Maybe that... You need to bag for that sweety? " Dad asked me.
"Yea,  can you hand me a paper bag I'll carry the rest. " I told him.  He reach in the cabinet to retrieve the paperbag we had stored in it while I place the triangle shaped sandwiches in the zip lock bag. 
"Here you do sweety"
He said kindly handing me the bag so I can at least put the chips and sandwiches in it.
Quickly finishing up with it we rush out the house and head to dad's dealership job where my mom currently works at.
When we arrive I left out the car without waiting for it to stop.  I went inside with a smile on my face in a good mood ever since I had seen the beast my mood haven't been blue.  I guess I could thank my mom after all he is her friend.  At the time,  that all I saw was him being a friend to mom.  I haven't seen him in a week but I believe he was busy so I didn't complain.  I mean how could I thought.  I can't say 'mom,  have you seen the beast' cause again he's older than me.  Anyway...
As I walk through the aisles or hallway going towards mom office I got a lot of strange looks.  Some of pity,  some of distaste and mostly lust from the men which is sad considering I'm a baby compared to them.  But who am I to talk when I got the hots for my mom's friend.  The strange looks isn't what set me off though.  Nope,  it was how everytime I get closer to it one of the employees or employers would try to stop me by either talking to me or distract me.  And like I stubborn brat I kept going politely reclaiming whatever they had to say or do cause I was determined to get my mom her small lunch.  In a way I felt bad how dad cheated on her and hoping this small thing would show that we still appreciate her.  Knocking out of my thoughts when I was near he office I hear what sounds like moaning.  Looking around in confusion thinking I was imagining it.  Shaking my head and place my smile that I somehow got rid of in my confused times.  When I heard it again followed by something knocking or hitting on something.  Now by this time you usually walk away from the noise when you hear it but me being the curious person that I am followed the noise which lead me to my mom's office.
'Please don't let me see my parents doing the nasty
Please don't let me see my parents doing the nasty'
I chanted in my head while reaching for the doorknob while Preparing myself.  Taking the hold of the knob and twist it in a slow motion so I don't make my present known and what I saw will go with me to my grave.

Mated to my mom's lover(On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now