Dr. Reid 15

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"Looking for something?"

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"Looking for something?"

Passing through the bullpen on his way to Hotch's office,
Morgan stops in his tracks at the clutter on Reid's desk. His eyebrows raise at
the doctor's flustered expression and even more so at the way he's hunched over
and kneeling on the ground, rifling through his drawers with narrowed eyes and
feverish abandon. Even from where he's standing, Morgan can hear him mumbling
to himself, and for a few minutes he just watches as the other man scratches
his head in confusion.

"Kid," Morgan eventually says, louder.

Reid jolts, bumping his head on the edge of the desk as he
sits up quickly. "Ow," he hisses, rubbing the sore spot on his skull. He sighs
and turns to look up at the other agent. "Sorry, Morgan. What did you say?"

Morgan gestures to the open drawers and files. "Looking for

"Yeah, my glasses." Reid pauses to lift up a stack of papers
from his bottom drawer and then drops them, nose scrunching up. "I put them
down somewhere for a moment -" he stands up to move one of the cups at the
corner of his desk, checking behind it - "but now I can't find them anywhere." The dozen pencils in the
glass clink around as he puts it back. Profoundly perplexed, Reid glances back
at Morgan, whose eyebrows have shot up even higher. "What?"

"... Your glasses," the other man repeats slowly.

"Yeah. What's so funny?"

"Dude -"

"What's going on?"

Both agents turn to look at you as you walk up, a file in
hand. You switch your gaze from one to the other, settling on Reid's troubled
expression and cocking your head.

"Reid's missing his glasses," Morgan explains, shooting you
a meaningful look. The man in question seems to catch the tone of his
colleague's voice and frowns, but he doesn't say anything.

"Oh." Your eyes flicker down for a split second and
understanding, as well as something less readable, dawns on your face. "Well, have
you checked everywhere?" you ask, an odd smile pulling at the corner of your

Reid, now suspicious of both you and Morgan, nods anyway. "It's
not anywhere on my desk. Or in it. And the only other place where I'd take them
off is at the coffee machine, but it's not there either. I've been looking for
ten minutes now."

"How about yourself?"

Morgan snickers.

"Mysel - oh."
Reid's face flushes as you reach out to pluck his glasses from where they had
been hanging from the collar of his vest, holding them up in front of him. His
lips quirk into a somewhat sheepish smile. "I-I guess I forgot to consider

You beckon Reid to lean in and place the glasses back onto
his face. After you push them up his nose, he blinks rapidly for a second and
then smiles at his now clear vision, adjusting the frames better into place. Morgan
rolls his eyes with a grin and pats him on the back as he heads to the stairs.

"That's better," you say.

"Thanks," he mutters, still blushing slightly. You shake
your head and go on your way, chuckles escaping your throat.

"No problem, Dr. Reid."

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