I Never Liked Bonfires, But Now I Absolutely Hate Them.

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Max's POV

Ered remained silent.

"Are you going to tell us or not?!" I yelled at her.

"I think they're coordinate points. I mean, the numbers look right. I've seen similar numbers on the paperwork my Dads bring home."

I looked down at the numbers again.

"That makes perfect sense!" Neil yelled. "Why didn't I think of that? Let's see... the first numbers were 46 and 49, so that's 46°49, and then the next number is 55.7, so if they're in order that would be our north numbers. Then we've got 122°25, and finally 52.9... West. So our location is 46°49' 55.7"N 122°25' 52.9"W."

"Yes, because that makes perfect sense." I said, sarcastically.

"You have David's phone?" Neil asked.

I pulled the phone out of the bag and handed it over. Neil began to type frantically, frequently glancing down at the numbers on the cards.

"Where does it lead, where does it lead?!" Nikki said, literally jumping with excitement.

"Well, boys, girls and elfkin, it looks like we're going back to camp. These coordinates are at the entrance to Camp Campbell." Neil announced, handing the phone back to me.

"Wow... I'm sooo shocked." Ered said, her voice flat and montone.

"Shut up, Ered." I snapped back at her.

I collected all of the cards on the table and slipped them into the brown leather bag, which I assumed was fake leather because David just doesn't seem like the person to own animal skin.

"One question guys..." Nikki pondered, "how are we going to get there?"

Silence fell over everyone. She had a valid point- we were all broke children with no means of long distance transportation.

"Do the buses go that far out?" Neil asked.

I shook my head. "We could always... hitch hike."

"Max, that's dangerous!" Nerris yelled.

"It's also like, 20 miles away! We need to find a way to Camp Campbell that doesn't require walking," I snapped.

"Well, there is no way I'm climbing into a strangers car. I've seen what can happen." Nikki crossed her arms. "I've seen my mom watch horror movies."

"Do any of you morons have a better idea?" I looked at my small group of campers. "Hitchhiking it i-"

"Shut your whore mouth! Just call Gwen, you have David's cell phone." Neil snapped.

That's right. I pulled out David's phone and found Gwen's number, then gave her a ring. I explained to her the situation we were in and how close we were to saving David, and she agreed to come pick us up at the park in her truck. The five of us waited by the entrance of the park, keeping an eye for Gwen.

Many people gave us strange looks, but most just walked by without a second glance. The park had begun to fill up more and more as time slipped by, probably because parents started getting off work.

Gwen pulled up in a silver pick-up truck, which actually suited her very well. It was dented and dirty with wheels caked in mud. Gwen rolled down the window and signaled to us to get in.

It was a little cramped. I took the passenger seat, but we shoved Nerris, Nikki, Neil and Ered in the back seat. It would have to do.

"Floor it." I murmured to Gwen.

Last-Ditch Effort - Camp CampOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora