Chapter 1: It all started with a plane ride

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Jade's Pov


"SO WHAT IF I CUT MY WRIST! WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT! YOU ARE NOT MY MOTHER AND YOU NEVER WILL BE! LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE YOU OLD WRINKLY BITCH" I yelled at my stepmother. She thinks that since I wear an arm full of bracelets that I cut. She just about as dumb as a two dollar bill. I just can't take it anymore. I hate living the rich life. My freaking allowance is $200 a day for doing nothing, and it's pitiful.i just want a normal life. I mean come in what is an 18 year old girl gonna do with $1000 a week. My thots were interrupted when I heard my stepmom start the engine to her car and roll out the driveway. Yes this it my time. I packed up a suit case full and put it in my car. I walked back in the house and wrote a single note:

Dear Daddy and StepMother,

I have decided to move out an give you guys no children to worry about😘




And with that I got I'm my car and left. I drove to the mall and ran into AT&T phone store and got a new phone. Then I drove to the airport. Hmm? where would be a good place to live? I decided on Florida. It's warm and far away from Indiana. I wanted a place by a beach but but not too big.

I reached the airport and got all my stuff then I went to he desk. "Hello, can I help you?" the man said. "Umm yeah. Can I get a one way ticket to Florida?" I asked. "Yes ma'am and the next flight is in 5 minutes." he said. I nodded. "Flight 579 boarding." the intercom said. This is it Jade. You get to start over. I walked on to the plane and found a good seat. "Can I sit here?" I unfamiliar voice said. "Sure." I said. I looked up and it was a guy with dark chocolate curls with RayBans covering his eyes. He was wearing a Rolling Stones t shirt with black skinny jeans and brown boots. On the other hand I had my golden brown hair in a nappy bun, and a black tank top and blue jean high waited shorts on. •_•

I then slipped my head phones in and listened to my mixture of Pierce the Veil, Bring Me The Horizon, SWS, Little Mix, and random songs. I soon drifted off in to sleep.


I woke up to the song turn your face by little mix. When I finally opened my eyes I wasn't laying on my window. Instead I was laying on the dudes chest area. WTF? I quickly sat up in my seat and jerked my rad phones out of my ear. "OMG I am terribly sorry for sleeping on you!" I said panicking. "It's okay. Calm down, love. No worries." he said smiling showing his dimples. "You going to Florida?" I asked.

"Yeah I am getting a vacation from work this summer." he said and took his sun glasses off. That when I realized......... his eyes are beautiful. we just talked the whole plane ride. "So where are you going when we land?" he asked. "I'm thinking somewhere quiet with a beach. I don't want to go to like panama and it be crazy. I want a house that isn't too big or in a huge busy neighborhood." I said. "Me too. I don't really want to be recognized. Or have a lot of attention." he said. and we talked the rest of the ride.

"Fight 579 landing. Everyone put your seat belt in or return to your set and connect the belts."

"Hey maybe we can meet up after we land and maybe go out for dinner or something?" he asked nervously. "Yeahh that would be amazeballs!" I said. "Amazeballs?" he said laughing. "Yeahhh it means amazing." I said. "Hey I never got your name or number" he said. "I'm Jade Walker and my number is **********" I said.

"I'm Harry Styles and my number is **********" he said. "We have now landed have a good afternoon passengers." the intercom announced. Harry and I grabbed our bags and walked out of the airport together. "Wanna share a cab to the restaurant?" he asked. I nodded.

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